Have we extinguished all the lights from the “City on the Hill?”

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set
on a hill cannot be hidden.”
~ Matt. 5:14

The Puritans were inspired by this directive, one which Jesus gave to his followers in His Sermon on the Mount. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was to be – as articulated by future governor John Winthrop – an example for the rest of the world in rightful living; “A Modell of Christian Charity.”

“We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.”

“City on a Hill” from Casting Crowns is a sad reminder of a much brighter day in America. We’re a country that was never perfect (none ever are this side of heaven), but one that was undeniably a much more virtuous, moral, exemplary place when we were still inspired by the words of Jesus Christ ~



For far too long we’ve let the destructive forces of the Left divide and conquer our society through their divisive identity politics and relentless class warfare. By demanding that Americans focus almost exclusively on our differences, have the malcontents compelled us to extinguish that beacon of light completely? Or are there still some smouldering embers remaining that can be fanned back into the flames of revival? Can we return to our Christian roots, recognize that we are all created in God’s image, and realize that what we have in common is far more important than our differences?
With His help, yes.

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