Saturday Shorts – 4-8-17


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Professor who refuses to use wrong pronouns coincidentally loses his first research grant ever ~ Another victim of the gender-bender police. Be warned, if you insist on clinging to reality, i.e., men aren’t women; neither are “zes,” your career may be adversely impacted ~

When (Jordan Peterson) received his last five-year grant for work previously approved by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, a government agency, it was “the largest amount ever awarded to a psychologist,” the National Post reports.
But the veteran University of Toronto professor, who became a pariah last year for refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns such as “ze,” just coincidentally got his first rejection ever for a federal research grant.

Québec’s Health Minister Wants to Euthanize Patients Alzheimer’s or Dementia ~ In our increasingly godless Western society, human life is expendable. Who are they coming for next?
Remember THIS poor woman, who lost her fight with the doctors of death.
German’s Furious as More Ancient Forests Felled to Make Way for Wind Turbines ~ Maybe they’ll get mad enough to chop down these ridiculous windmills ~

With rocketing power prices and an increasingly unstable grid, Germans are no longer content to sit back and allow their pristine landscape to be destroyed on the farcical notion that giant industrial wind turbines will, somehow, save the planet.[…]
In Germany forests are almost considered sacred, and are powerfully anchored into the German cultural psyche. Disturbing them is absolutely frowned upon, to put it mildly. This is all the more reason why Germans nationwide have been horrified by the mass deforestation taking place to make way for industrial wind parks.

Austin Forced Out Uber and Lyft – Now They’re Paying the Price ~ Another moment of enlightenment for progressives ~

“Fasten and RideAustin were granted practical access and spiritual absolution by the people of Austin because they boast about eschewing the very market forces that allow Uber and Lyft to work well, especially during a big event,” writes Mary Katherine Ham for the Federalist. “By only allowing access for ride-sharing services that act less like Uber and more like taxis, they got ride-sharing services that work less like Uber and more like taxis, whose failures are the very reason Uber and Lyft exist.”

Sigh. Reminds me of these naive SJWs(social justice warriors).

Judicial Watch Obtains 695 Pages of Obama IRS Scandal Documents – Records Not Produced in Initial Congressional Investigation ~ These files contain solid evidence that the IRS deliberately targeted conservatives in the run-up to the 2012 election to prevent them from working against Obama’s reelection ~

“No wonder the Obama IRS has been hiding these records. The new smoking-gun documents contain admissions by the Obama IRS that it inappropriately targeted conservative groups,” said Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton. “But the records also show that the abuse continued – as the Obama IRS tried to force conservative applicants to give up their First Amendment rights in order to finally get their applications granted.”

Ho-hum. The Right was right again.

University installs condom dispensers amid STD spike ~ Don’t stop copulating like rabbits to cut down on the infection rate, we’ll just encourage more of the same irresponsible behavior by giving you free condoms,

Mom: Son, 11, killed himself after girlfriend faked suicide ~ This is one of the most tragic tales I’ve heard recently (in what seems these days to be a constant stream of tragic tales). It happened three weeks ago here in Michigan, in the upper peninsula, but we’re only hearing about it since it made national news. Murder via social media

Charges are pending against a juvenile after a Michigan mother said a social media prank in which her 11-year-old son’s girlfriend faked her own suicide led the boy to take his own life.
Katrina Goss said Thursday that she found her son, Tysen Benz, hanging by the neck March 14 in his room after seeing social media posts and texts that his 13-year-old girlfriend had killed herself.

Hungary revolts against EU with “illegal immigration” survey called Let’s Stop Brussels ~ Another country heard from. Hungary is apparently not impressed with the cultural enrichment so many western European countries are experiencing ~

HUNGARY is in open revolt against the European Union’s immigration policy, with letters sent to every household asking if they want the government to place foreigners under surveillance.

Students of faith use their spring break to serve the poor instead of hitting the beach ~ See, not all millennials are self-centered snowflakes :)

Cyborgs at work: employees getting implanted with microchips ~ This Brave New World stuff is getting pretty scary ~

STOCKHOLM (AP) — The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a click, a microchip is injected in the employee’s hand. Another “cyborg” is created.

What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish startup hub Epicenter. The company offers to implant its workers and startup members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.

English Passion Play Changing Lives for Christ — Before It Opens ~ The transformative power of the Holy Spirit; with God all things are possible! ~

While still in rehearsals, it’s helped Christians renew their faith. Even Muslims have come to Christ […]
Director Geoff Millard called the play “an incredible experience.” The message affected him six years ago when he was an artistic director for the very same play but in another city. “It was being involved in doing the Passion in Bolton in 2011 that brought me to knowing God as my Savior.” He was an Anglican, he said, “but it opened my eyes. I had to read the Bible to understand the script. I learned how to pray fervently. I became a born-again Christian.” […]
The Passion is a place where people have gone who are emerging from a bad place in their lives. Many of the cast members have “come through unconventional backgrounds to their faith.” Two recovering alcoholics star in the show as Simon Peter and Mary Magdalene. A former prison inmate plays Simon Peter. Gillian Thomas, actress and playwright, plays Mary Magdalene. A 59-year-old salesman, Rob Slater, plays Jesus.

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