A sad day for religious freedom in America


In this week’s episode of “Disorder in the Court,” we discover that laws in
the state of Washington don’t really mean what you think they mean ~


Attention Christians: Yesterday the Washington Supreme Court ruled that you can no longer actually be a Christian in their state. Instead all Washingtonians must bow before the religion of Progressivism.
In an egregious 9-0 decision, the court essentially said that you may NOT live your life according to God’s word; instead you must submit to the State. Dr. Michael Brown summed up the ruling very well ~

(Barronelle Stutzman, a) 72-year-old grandmother who had employed gay workers and served gay customers for years, was required by law to participate in a gay wedding, even though this constituted a direct violation of her religious beliefs — beliefs which have been consistent and almost universally held among Christians for the last 2,000 years.


It’s obvious from their ruling that the court acted arbitrarily – applying their subjective beliefs rather than objectively analyzing the legal considerations of the case – because their decision actually contradicts the law as David French (National Review Online) explains ~

The pretext for overriding the florist’s rights to free speech and religious liberty was Washington’s so-called “public accommodations law,” which required the owner, Barronelle Stutzman, to provide goods and services to customers “regardless” of their sexual orientation.
Let’s be clear, according to the plain language of the law and the undisputed facts of the case, Stutzman did nothing illegal. She had always consistently and joyfully served gay clients, including the man who ultimately decided to bring potentially ruinous legal claims against her. On each of those prior occasions, however, she was not using her artistic talents to help her clients celebrate an occasion she considered immoral.
In other words, she was not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. She was making a decision not to help celebrate an action, a form of expression. She would no more celebrate a gay wedding than she would any form of immorality, gay or straight. To dispense with her argument, the court did what numerous progressive courts have done: It rewrote the law. It rejected what it called the “status/conduct” distinction, and essentially interpreted the word “orientation” to also mean “action.”

So, nine jurists in Washington State have now determined that the government has the iron-fisted authority to compel citizens to condone what they consider immoral.


“When any office commands that which is contrary to the Word of God,
those who hold that office abrogate their authority and they are not to
be obeyed. And that includes the state.”

~ Francis A. Schaeffer, “A Christian Manifesto” ~

BarronelleStutzmanThank you Barronelle Stutzman for exposing the true agenda behind judicial activism; the intention to replace God with the State (just like Lenin and Marx by the way). Thank you for reminding us that we are all accountable to a Higher Authority.
Thank you mostly for living what it means to be a true follower of Christ; kind and compassionate, without compromising with today’s ever-evolving social mores that are contrary to God’s law. May your courage inspire the rest of us to remain faithful to Him in every facet of our lives.

Ask Pres. Trump to stand for religious liberty ~ An urgent plea from AFA (American Family Association). Please sign their petition.
• The non-profit legal firm, Alliance Defending Freedom, is now appealing Barronelle’s case to the Supreme Court. You can support their efforts HERE.


Don’t let the Leftists destroy our freedom of religion
Memo to atheists: It’s “freedom OF religion”
‘Stupid Bible-Thumping…B**ch’: Bakery That Refused to Make Gay Couple’s Wedding Cake Speaks Out Amid Threats, Economic Woes Remember “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” – ultimately driven out of business by the radical LGBT movement?
Christians Better Wake Up Before It’s Too Late ~ I posted this nearly four years ago. Is it already too late?
Shame on the Silent Christian Leaders Who Refuse to Stand Against Government Tyranny
Court Puts Objecting Florist’s House, Personal Property at Risk for Seizure

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One Response to: A sad day for religious freedom in America

  1. Pingback: Christians Must Stand with Barronelle Stutzman for the Very Same Reason the Left Is Obsessed with Crushing Her – Word Foundations

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