Eenie, meenie…

trumphillary-smlrIn the wake of last evening’s debate/clown show, aren’t many of us wondering whatever happened to presidential candidates who at least pretended to a shred of class, decency and integrity? David Harsanyi, writing at The Federalist described the sorry spectacle quite well ~

On Monday night, America witnessed one of the most worthless, and certainly one of the most infantile, presidential debates in its history.
After listening to Donald Trump’s meta-fictions and Hillary Clinton’s manicured obfuscations, the voter is left with one question: do you prefer an idiocracy or a kleptocracy?


If you’re a Christian too, and were were as discouraged by the circus as I was, here’s another great question: “What would the Apostle Paul say about the 2016 election?” Steve Deace has some instructive thoughts on the matter, here are some excerpts ~

Paul was the most prolific and authoritative writer in the New Testament. Many of his teachings are still the basic framework for how much of the church is structured and behaves to this day. As a Roman citizen in a quasi-republic, he probably comes the closest to having to navigate the cultural waters we’re in today. Hence, he wrote these words: “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh (to sin), but to serve one another.” […]
… Paul — like most of the New Testament writers — was Jewish. But unlike his fellow Jewish New Testament authors such as Peter, Paul was highly educated as the protégé of a legendary rabbi at the time. Therefore, Paul would be well-acquainted with the words of Exodus 18:21, when Moses becomes the first person in the Scriptures granted the authority to select representatives to govern on his behalf:

“Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.”

I believe Paul would ask any believer compel a candidate to meet this minimum threshold before voting for him. To fear God means to understand who one is ultimately accountable for his decisions once elected, which is why we require an oath, “So help me God” before assuming office. Candidates must also be persons of integrity in both their personal and private lives, as well as able to avoid the temptation to use their authority to promote their self-interest above the public interest […]

Given the fact both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton fail to meet the minimum biblical requirements for public office, I don’t think there’s any biblical argument Paul would spend an iota of time on lobbying or shaming Christians into voting for either one. Instead, I believe he would use the platform of this election to bring focus and attention upon the gospel.
That the reason we’re facing such a Kobayashi Maru (Star Trek reference) scenario as a culture is because we’ve turned away from our first love and turned our backs on God — the source of our rights. I think Paul’s primary concern with both Trump and Clinton would be the condition of their souls, more so than the merits of their platforms.


Read the whole piece HERE; comforting words, and a big helping of food-for-thought about the upcoming election.

Wake Up Church: Disappointing Debate Demands the Response of Christians

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