Dear Bob, I know Jesus, and He’s not supporting Trump either

I’ve grown so very weary of the anger and insults coming from fellow conservatives, even Christians, directed at those of us who haven’t jumped on board the Trump Train with them. Honestly, at this point it’s their hostile hyperbole that’s making me less likely every day to vote for their guy. Trump seems to bring out the worst in his supporters.
Recently Bob Dutko, radio host at a local Christian station – who I really enjoy listening to – seems to have joined the let’s-disparage-the #NeverTrumpers crowd. I just had to rant ~

Dear Bob,
I love your radio programs, both the midday and “primetime” editions, particularly when you get into apologetics. Your shows are truly edifying, I listen as often as I can.
Just lately however I find myself doing something I never thought I would — turning you off in mid-sentence! Bob, you’re making my head explode with the “Never-Trumper” indictments!

As I was listening to your afternoon show yesterday, you and a caller seemed to agree that the problem with “Never-Trumpers” was that they “don’t know Jesus.” Are you kidding me?! (And I thought Laura Ingraham’s “immoral” invective was bad enough.)
Jesus Christ is the starting point for every direction I take in my life; a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It’s because I am a Christian that it’s so clear to me that the only thing that can turn America around at this point is God Himself – through repentance and revival (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Since 2009 I have spent innumerable hours at rallies, meetings and prayer gatherings (including volunteering at this awesome event last summer in Dearborn). I’ve been a precinct delegate for the last two years, trying to help effect change at a grass roots level. And I’ve written this blog now for more than five years. So please, don’t even think about blaming me for the mess the GOP has created.
It’s so disheartening to recall the line-up of reasonably conservative (and Christian) candidates we had to choose from just one year ago. I would have voted for almost any of them. McCain or Romney were never my first picks, but at least they were palatable. Neither was a vindictive, self-aggrandizing bully, a disreputable narcissist or a congenital liar – who was a Democrat until five minutes ago.
Furthermore, it’s almost impossible to get past Donald Trump’s despicable treatment of Ted Cruz. Were it not for his malicious lies and unscrupulous attacks Republicans might now be running a true conservative candidate.
All this being said, we’re still more than two months away from the election, lots can change between now and then. And while I’m about 90% #NeverTrump, I’m still open to further developments.
But the more that I, and conservative Christians like me who haven’t rushed to jump on the Trump Train, are slandered and mocked, the less likely I am to vote for the man.

God bless,
Marji Wojcik
Designs on the Truth

While the title of my post may be a bit irreverent, I truly don’t think Jesus would endorse Donald (and his two Corinthians). I do believe the entire country is currently under the Lord’s judgement and November’s election is probably irrelevant. We will never “make America great again” without GOD.


“As Christians, we are not responsible for the reality of our two-party system or
for the way others exercise their citizenship, but we will give an account
for how we delegate our authority. Our primary concern is not the election
night victory party, but the Judgment Seat of Christ.”
~ Russell Moore

Donald Trump Slams Russell Moore: “Nasty Guy with No Heart!” ~

On May 9, Trump tweeted at Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Trump said: “@drmoore Russell Moore is truly a terrible representative of Evangelicals and all of the good they stand for. A nasty guy with no heart!”

5 Most Sickening Parts Of Trump’s Meeting With Evangelical Leaders
“Conservatives” cheering the loss of Tim Huelskamp have lost their conscience ~ The “Trump Effect” is destroying true conservatives on the down ballot

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3 Responses to Dear Bob, I know Jesus, and He’s not supporting Trump either

  1. Sylvia says:

    Dear Marji,

    I totally agree with you Marji, when does the attitudes and mindset of trump raise up in the body of Christ and it is embraced by believers. When you stop reading the Bible, you lose the foundation of what God intended. Sad day and prayer is truly required.

  2. Paul Mytych says:

    God told me before the election that Donald J. Trump is the anti-Christ. So many Catholics voted for him. They have been fooled by Trump who says he is pro-life when he is only pro-wealth. His nasty comments towards women and talk about building a wall which the Pope does not want should have convinced Catholics to make sure Hillary Clinton becomes President. Jesus supported Hillary. All we needed to do was help her with becoming truly pro-life. She does not want abortions, only does not try to help discourage them. She is not Catholic but we could work on her ways. Trump will eventually destroy our country which is already great. I saw through his insincere remarks about helping the poor, blacks and needy. He only cares to be rich. He is dispicable and does not do the things that Jesus tells us to do, which makes him the true anti-Christ. He is in a position of great power and will bring this country down now. It has already begun. But what else would you expect from the anti-Christ? God help U.S.

    • m.k.wojcik says:

      Paul ,while I appreciate your comments I’m sorry to be the one to disappoint you. Whoever it was that told you Donald Trump was the anti-Christ, it certainly wasn’t God. The “Son of Perdition” will definitely be a globalist; Trump is a nationalist – opposes the New World Order. And the fact that our president is a lost sinner like you and I, makes him just another average American. (Let’s not forget the Holy Spirit’s ability to transform hearts and minds. Donald Trump has a lot of Christians praying for him.)
      Unlike the former Secretary of State, Trump didn’t let four Americans die in Benghazi, or spend the better part of the last few decades ruthlessly pursuing power, lying – and lying to cover up the lies.
      With Trump in office the economy is up, ISIS has been defeated in Iraq and Syria, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel (God is smiling His approval), the administration is prioritizing persecuted Middle East Christians, religious liberty is being restored and pro-life measures have been implemented. NONE of these things would have occurred under a Hillary presidency.
      Furthermore, while Trump clearly isn’t the anti-Christ, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is likely an anti-pope. Just ask this faithful Catholic.
      Happy New Year!
      Remnant TV video production of Trump’s Christmas message has gone viral

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