Hurricane Hype-a-thon

This past weekend the main stream media once again demonstrated that they consider facts irrelevant. Why let reality intrude on their exciting agenda-driven drama? Sultan Knish analyzes their irresponsible reporting in Panic Nation:

Hurricane Irene is just another entry in the non-stop shriek of media driven panic. The news cycle is fed by three main types of stories, salacious gossip, horrible tragedies and panic stories. All three are culturally destructive, but the third is the most insidious because it contains a germ of truth that is inflated to spread panic…
…Media driven panics agitate the public and encourage politicians to cluelessly leap on the bandwagon with bad policies. Then when the policies fail, the media blasts the politicians, feeding a backlash to a mess that it created. And when the politicians go back to ignoring the problem, they run alarmist stories and the cycle repeats itself.
The common denominators in the media driven panics are reports that assume the worst case scenario with only shallow reporting on the nature of the problem leading to general overreactions, rather than intelligent problem solving.

While I in no way want to downplay the casualties, injuries and destruction caused by the east coast storm, the msm certainly didn’t help matters by desperately clinging to the fantasy that Irene was still a full-force hurricane long after it had been downgraded to a tropical storm. Tony Harnden at the UK Telegraph takes a humorous look at the major networks’ hurricane hype-a-thon: Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse that never was –

… the worst-case scenario was largely portrayed as inevitable. Some of the footage of television reporters putting themselves in the most extreme position possible just to get the best “stand-up” live shot was beyond parody.
First prize went to Tucker Barnes, a reporter for Fox 5, who went live from Ocean City, Maryland amid a strange, brown foamy substance. He reported that it “didn’t taste great” and had a “sandy consistency”. Apparently, it was raw sewage. 😯 (Humorous video HERE)

Here’s the storm that’s the real threat –
I call it Hurricane OLGA (Obscenely Large Government Abuse). It’s already left a huge path of destruction across the nation, wreaking havoc on everything it touches; freedom, jobs, the economy, personal responsibility, entire industries – including energy production, national sovereignty – even “hope”.
And of course the msm is oblivious (maybe they’re all spending too much time covered in “a strange, brown foamy substance”?) – Hurricane OLGA isn’t even on their radar screen.

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