The Willful Ignorance of the Democrat Party

If the Democrat clowns our distinguished representatives in Congress cared more about the security of the homeland than they do about voiding the 2nd Amendment – they’d get off their substantial butts, man up and do something about the threat of radical Islam.
But of course that would mean they’d have to break out of their reality-free zone and face the truth; Guns Don’t Kill, European-Style Immigration Policies Do. And although it’s the Dems doing the demonstrating, where, wonders Daniel Horowitz, are the voices demanding legislation about the violent people instead of the object?

The notion that we are going to bring in record numbers of Islamic immigrants and then ban guns is as ludicrous as…say…Europe! Won’t we ever learn from their mistakes?
Gun rights is not an elective policy. It is enshrined into our Constitution and is often the only thing protecting ordinary Americans from the long-term concerns of terrorism, a luxury our brethren in Europe don’t have. In fact, in Germany they have run out of pepper spray because of the flood of violence stemming from the Middle Eastern immigrants. They cannot own the amazingly built German handguns that we take for granted in our country.
While gun rights is not an elective policy, immigration – particularly from the Middle East – is absolutely an elective policy. As I explain in my upcoming book, Stolen Sovereignty, there is no affirmative right for any individual or group of people to immigrate to our country. That Democrats would increase the risk to Americans by exponentially increasing immigration from the Middle East and then disarm everyone else is national suicide.

Getting a handle on immigration would be a good first step, but then we need to look at the problems that already exist thanks to years of complacence ~

Mateen (the Orlando shooter) allegedly attended the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, which was frequented by American-born suicide bomber Monar abu Salha. He was also a follower of Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a radical Imam who was just let out of prison. If we are at war, then it’s time we start acting like it. How can we have organizations and Mosques openly run by the Muslim Brotherhood preaching insurrection against the U.S. while we are at war? By declaring war on Islamic Jihad and designating groups like the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists, just like the British government recently did, we will have the constitutional authority to shut down mosques run by those affiliated with them.
In addition, we need to clamp down on foreign money that flows to these mosques if those funds come from terror-supporting governments in the Middle East. Just a few months ago, the Islamic government in Turkey was allowed to build a mosque outside of D.C. which will serve as the largest Islamic center in North America. Turkish President Recep Erdogan reportedly referred to this mosque as the center for all Muslims in America.

[Are we insane?!]


When are the Democrats – and frankly, the majority of Republicans are just as bad – going to stop with these disingenuous sideshows and put the safety of all Americans ahead of Islamists who wish us nothing but harm? Instead, they refuse to defend us – and even more egregious, they’re trying to prevent us from defending ourselves.

7 Constitutional Steps to Protect the Homeland Against Islamic Jihad

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  1. Pingback: Nothing changes – Feds have been willfully blind on terrorism since Oklahoma City | Designs on the Truth

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