Military denied the very freedom they’re sworn to defend

GenBoykinEarly last year I had the good fortune to hear Lt. General Jerry Boykin speak at a conservative gathering. The retired 3 star general, a founding member of Delta Force, Boykin is a true American patriot. He has counseled numerous presidents on military matters and international conflicts and served five years as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.
In other words, Gen. Boykin is the kind of admirable, no-nonsense, upstanding commander that our troops have long been honored to serve under. Unfortunately he’s also the kind that our current PC-correct military can no longer abide.
Even though he’s now retired, the general is not standing down; he’s still fighting for freedom and liberty on the homefront. Because these days, the “bad guys” might just be fellow Americans – like Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. The malcontented Weinstein is behind the latest attack on religious freedom in the military ~ Intolerant Demands for Tolerance at Fort Riley.
As Andy Andrews explains in The Stream, a prayer breakfast (featuring Boykin as a speaker) scheduled for this past Monday, June 6th at Fort Riley, Kansas was cancelled because it was apparently too traumatic for atheists like to Weinstein to cope with the fact that Boykin was even on the same base with them ~

Today, Boykin is 68 years old. Long retired from the military, he was invited to speak at Ft. Riley’s Prayer Breakfast. General Boykin is — as one would hope a Prayer Breakfast speaker might be — a man of strong faith. Apparently, however, that faith is a bit too strong for some […]
Anyway, get this: At the behest of 131 people — some of whom were apparently so shaken by the possible appearance of a retired man giving a speech — Ft. Riley folded like a cheap suit. Without weapons or even a threat of violence, 131 complainers went up against a 100,000 acre military installation with a population of more than 25,000 personnel. And it took them less than 24 hours to have General Boykin cancelled.


“I sincerely doubt that America can expect to win wars if the people
who are tasked to do so are frightened by an old retired general with
biblical views and a testimony of faith.”
General Boykin


Ft. Riley announced the Prayer Breakfast would be rescheduled in the future with a different speaker. This decision was made before any of the Prayer Breakfast ticketholders even knew there was an issue. Was their opinion considered? Of course not.


So in Obama’s “fundamentally-transformed” military, our soldiers – prepared to defend our freedom with their lives – are themselves being denied those very freedoms!


Andrews concludes his article with a call to resistance ~

Right now, today, we are providing a blueprint for future generations on exactly how a majority population allows itself to be bullied into submission. My friends, if we do not begin to stand up in large, visible, vocal numbers, that blueprint will yield for posterity the ugly details of America’s downfall. Sadly, our generation is in the process of proving how it is possible for a majority of otherwise rational and productive people to inadvertently yield their leadership to a small group they already know to be not only misguided, but destructive as well.
If we do not find the courage to change course quickly, someone, someday, will write the story of how between two and three hundred million people subsequently enabled a small number of intolerant people to steer everyone into a ditch.


Thank God men like General Boykin are still living up to their original oaths of loyalty to Americans and our Constitution. We need to stand with him against this travesty.
Boykin bounced: Fort Riley cancels Delta Force hero’s prayer breakfast speech

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