Obama’s Hoosier Hooey

So there was Mr. Obama taking his victory lap in Indiana yesterday. The fairytale he was peddling – warmly embraced and repeated by the mainstream media of course – was that Elkhart’s economic rebound was solely due to the wondrous actions (bailouts, stimulus spending, ObamaCare!!) of his administration.
obama-welfairyJust more of the audacious B.S. we’ve come to know and love over the last seven years; although this latest assertion takes “audacious” to a whole new level because his claim doesn’t have a glimmer of truth to it. In fact Elkhart’s economic turnaround happened in spite of everything the O’Ministration has done.
In this excellent article at The Elkhart Truth, Indiana’s governor Mike Pence straightens out Mr. Audacious. Pence rightly credits the Hoosier spirit and not federal policies for helping turn around Elkhart County’s economy ~

Mr. President, we welcome you back to Elkhart since your first visit since 2009. I believe the people of Elkhart and my fellow Hoosiers have brought our economy back in spite of the burdens that higher taxes, mandates and increasing regulations from Washington, D.C. have placed on them. Our state has experienced an economic comeback because the story in Indiana has been very different.
Since I became governor in January 2013, we have worked every day to lower the burden of taxes and regulations so businesses large and small can focus on jobs and growth instead of worrying about the burden of their state government.
We have balanced two budgets, cut taxes every year including the largest state income tax cut in Indiana history. We repealed the inheritance tax, maintained strong reserves and invested more than $2.0 billion in our state’s infrastructure to support a growing economy.
We have also made education for our current workforce and the next generation the top priority, with record investments in education while making career and technical education a priority in every high school in Indiana again. The high school graduation rate has reached nearly 88 percent, seventh best in the nation and for the first time in Indiana’s history, we invested in early learning programs for disadvantaged kids and have one of the largest school voucher program in America.
All of these efforts have not gone unnoticed. Indiana was recently recognized by Chief Executive Magazine as the number one state in the Midwest for business, and fifth in the nation.

Other factors that helped boost Elkhart’s recovery – and had absolutely nothing to do with Obama’s economy-killing policies – were 1.) the fracking phenomenon which not only lowered fuel prices making RV’ing more affordable, the fracking industry itself was a big consumer of RVs; and 2.) Indiana passed “Right-to-Work” legislation in 2012, freeing employees from union restrictions and quickly reducing the unemployment rate.



Instead of taking illegitimate credit for Indiana’s rebound wouldn’t it be nice if Obama had the wisdom and humility to learn from the Hoosier state’s example? Dream on :(
But we do have to give the president his due – the man really is the most outrageous liar to ever occupy the Oval Office.
Elkhart Residents Question Obama’s Economic Impact Ahead of President’s Visit
Elkhart Recovering IN SPITE of Obamanomics

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