Obama’s Orwellian Oratory

Who writes this crap? Good grief! It’s bad enough that they’re revising history, judging military actions completely out of context and assuming sanctimonious airs. Moreover, it’s outrageous to pretend moral equivalency between the United States and Imperial Japan in World War II. Next he’ll be apologizing to the Nazis! (Under Obama would the concentration camps have ever been liberated? For God’s sake he wouldn’t even save our own men in Benghazi !)
Others have expressed their righteous indignation at Barack Obama’s shameful remarks in Japan today (Here, here and here.). But I was particularly taken with the fact that his disingenuous rhetoric isn’t even grounded in reality.

For instance ~

Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us. The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well.”

Ah yes, a classic example of progressives’ moral relativity. Why don’t we require a “moral revolution” to curtail the “technological progress” of abortion? Of experiments on human embryonic stem cells? Of the sale of human fetal parts? Of euthanasia?
Answer: Because the Left gets to decide which lives matter (political expediency being the main criterion).

Then there was his noble-sounding but naive appeal for a nuclear-free planet ~

“We may not realize this goal in my lifetime but persistent effort can roll back the possibility of catastrophe,” he said. “We can chart a course that leads to the destruction of these stockpiles.”

How in the world does Obama reconcile that statement with his nuclear weapon-enabling treaty with Iran? As M.G. Oprea writes at the Federalist ~

This is ironic, given that Obama brokered a nuclear deal with Iran that seems certain to ensure that the Islamic Republic becomes a nuclear power, possibly sparking an arms race in the Middle East. But Obama rarely sees the inconsistencies between the policies he adopts and the symbolic actions he takes.

And my favorite line from his speech ~

“We must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them,” Obama said of nuclear weapons.


Huh? When humans are faced with threatening circumstances, fear is clearly a logical emotion. And now we have Barack Hussein Obama telling us we must transcend reality and have the courage to escape the logic of fear. So we shouldn’t be afraid of Iran’s ability to nuke us?! To paraphrase Spock, “Captain, that is not logical.”


Not only is this president an ungrateful disgrace to our country, he’s increasingly losing touch with reality.

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