Progressively exploiting yet another tragedy

Our friends on the Left are masters at pushing their progressive propaganda on unsuspecting Americans (How else would we have reached the ridiculous point in this country where saying men need to stay the hell out of womens bathroom is suddenly intolerant hate speech?!). One of the methods they’ve perfected over the last few years is deliberate misreporting of the news. Here’s a recent example: Hate Crime Turns Out to Be Death by Marijuana ~

HamzaWarsameThe headline in last December’s New York Times story was certainly ominous: “Assertions of Hate Crime in Seattle After a Somali-American Teenager Falls to His Death.” The paper said, “The death of the boy, Hamza Warsame, has prompted outrage among members of the Muslim community here, amid assertions—it is not clear from whom—that he was beaten and pushed to his death by a white man.”

The headlines blare and the story fades away, but now we know what really happened ~

…the black Muslim teen, a student at Seattle Central College, died from a fall after smoking dope for the first time. In fact, “relatively high levels” of tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive constituent in marijuana, were found in Warsame’s system, The Seattle Times reported. It said that after smoking the legal dope on a smoking device called a bong, the teen “started talking in agitation about his religion and how he might have put himself in bad standing,” and then said he “needed air.” The Muslim youth “opened the door and was off the balcony before his schoolmate could react,” a report found.
“Hamza Warsame became frantic in the immediate aftermath of smoking marijuana for the first time and fell to his death while likely attempting to jump from the balcony of one apartment to an adjacent building…” the local Fox TV affiliate reported, citing the results of a police probe.

Of course before the truth emerged the tragedy was ripe for exploitation.

Students & community members at Seattle Central College protest
the death of Hamza Warsame for all the wrong reasons (12-9-15)


This particular story was truly a goldmine of deception, furthering so many of the Left’s favorite lies; whites are inherently racist, Muslims are being unfairly persecuted because Americans are Islamaphobic, law enforcement is biased, and – by omission – marijuana is perfectly safe and should be legalized. One Seattle socialist committeewoman even managed to use this young man’s death to attack captialism ~

Councilmember (Kshama) Sawant, an open socialist, put the case in the context of the oppressive capitalist system. “We are struggling for democratic socialist change, where the working people have the control, not the corporations, and where we can finally end the exploitation and oppression that drives Islamophobia, racism, and sexism within our communities,” she said.

Huh? As if we needed more evidence of this woman’s reality-free worldview…

Despite the obvious problems with legal marijuana, Sawant and her comrades on the city council are now considering making Seattle the first city in the U.S. with a “safe-consumption site,” allowing people to use illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine.


seattlepropaganda2_5-16This is what the Left just excels at. Grab a tragic headline, use it to push some nefarious cause, fudge the details… then completely ignore the truth when it eventually does come out.
The real tragedy is that most Americans have such short little attention spans these days that this devious strategy almost always succeeds in advancing their culture-destroying agenda.

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