The World’s War on Christendom – Latest Dispatch from the Front


Yesterday The Stream (one of my new favorite sites) reported on two persecuted Christians who desperately need our prayers and support ~ You Can Help Save These Two Christians from Being Murdered.
One is Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five, (who) has spent seven years in prison in Pakistan on a blasphemy charge for taking water from a well on a hot day of field labor (!).
The other, Father Tom Uzhunnalil, was kidnapped from Aden, Yemen more than two months ago. He was taken in a March 4th raid by Islamists on a Missionaries of Charity care facility during which 16 people were killed – including four nuns. (These people are truly evil!) ~

AsiaBibi(Bibi) remains imprisoned and in isolation, possibly for her safety thanks to threats of death inside the prison and certainly outside it, if she were to be released in the increasingly hostile environment there […]
International human rights organizations have taken up her cause as a just one, and an emblematic case that puts a human face and name and humanity and dignity on the ‘issue’ of Christian persecution in the Middle East and elsewhere.


Despite rumors to the contrary, (Father Tom) is reportedly alive, well, and possibly soon to be released […]

During Holy Week, unconfirmed stories began circulating in India claiming that the kidnappers planned to crucify the priest on Good Friday. Pope Francis appealed for Father Uzhunnalil’s release last month.


As this appeal reminds us, while we in the West spend our days working, playing, relaxing – going through our days in relative freedom – Asia Bibi, Father Tom, and countless other prisoners, hostages and victims of persecution, may be suffering martyrdom simply for their faith in Jesus Christ.
There are things we can all do to help:

Raise awareness. Share posts like this, on Facebook and Twitter; #WeAreN2016 and #FreeAsiaBibi
Support frontline organizations like ~

ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice)
Open Doors
Voice of the Martyrs
Aid to the Church in Need
And most of all – PRAY! ~

Open Doors offers these edifying words ~

Prayer is the ultimate fellowship
“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners,
and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” ~ Hebrews 13:3
Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.
1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body — when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. Persecuted Christians and Christians in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses the church (both free and persecuted) in unique and powerful ways.
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One Response to: The World’s War on Christendom – Latest Dispatch from the Front

  1. Pingback: Asia Bibi acquitted and released – Praise God! | Designs on the Truth

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