Saturday Shorts – 5-21-16


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Dear Obama: A Note of Thanks From ISIS for Your Transgender Bathroom Decree ~ OK it’s satire, but it does beg a couple questions; 1.) Isn’t the Left worried about offending Muslims with their radical gender-fluid agenda? and 2.) Doesn’t it seem odd that U.S. Muslims never seem to protest these progressive attacks on traditional male/female/family mores? Hmmmm…
New York City businesses face fine up to $250,000 if they don’t use gender correct pronouns like ‘ze’ and ‘hir’ to refer to transgenders ~ Seriously. Under de Blasio the Big Apple is just one big reality-free zone now ~

• Businesses can ask ‘everyone what their preferred gender pronoun is’
• Employers should update systems to let individuals identify gender
• Commission on Human Rights can impose civil fine up to $125,000
• Those that are the ‘result of malicious conduct’ go up to $250,000

But what if their identity changes from day-to-day, moment-to-moment? And what if one day someone decides they’re a dragon? What’s the pronoun for that?
Science vs Activism in Biological Gender Ambiguity ~ The truth about sexual development disorders – and why we should try to help those afflicted with them – not attempt to remake society to conform to abnormal ~

(Sexually-disordered individuals) deserve the same respect and understanding anyone with a genetic disorder deserves.
That does not mean, however, that the whole society has to toss out millennia of tradition about male-female differences to accommodate a tiny percentage of affected individuals, especially when the majority of those, with proper treatment or surgery, grow to comfortably identify with one sex or the other on their own […]
Society does not have to invent something new: a third gender, a fourth, an n–th gender, or come up with new words and pronouns with which to refer to them. The Judeo-Christian ethic would be to compassionately help steer children toward the sex God ordained for them, as best can be determined.

Why Conscience Matters: The Little Sisters of the Poor & the Cuban Dissident ~ This article at Patheos discusses the importance of standing for religious freedom, resisting tyranny and obeying a Higher Authority. It highlights the inspiring story of Armando Valladares, a man who suffered torture, isolation and imprisonment for twenty-two years in Fidel Castro’s Cuba for refusing to support the dictator and honor his Revolution ~

When I was 23 years old I refused to do something that at the time seemed very small. I refused to say a few words, “I’m with Fidel.” First I refused the sign on my desk at the postal office that said that, and after years of torture and watching many fellow fighters die, either in body or in spirit, I still refused to say those words […]
For me to say those words would constitute a type of spiritual suicide. Even though my body was in prison and being tortured, my soul was free and it flourished. My jailers took everything away from me, but they could not take away my conscience or my faith.

Indians to Redskins name-change advocates: Get a life ~ Why won’t lefties drop this? It’s pretty much a non-issue – except with the grievance-mongers ~

Native American poll > 90 percent answered “does not bother me.” 9 percent said “offensive.” 1 percent had no opinion […]

*If you want to look at it and find a reason for it to be offensive, then you can. I’ve talked about this with my family and friends, and it don’t bother me none. I’m proud that someone is recognizing Native Americans. Most people I see griping about it are not Native Americans.

The Peculiar Story of Adam LaRoche; Walking Away from the Game and $13M ~ The former White Sox first baseman is about a whole lot more than the game of baseball.

Why Am I “Never Trump”? The Third Commandment Joshua Charles writing at the Stream with an eloquent explanation of why he’s #NeverTrump ~

Trump has claimed the God mantle, the Christian mantle, the “evangelical” mantle. He constantly brags, in fact, at how many Christians are voting for him, as well as trotting out the endorsements of prominent Christian leaders. The Bible, so he claims, is his “favorite book,” a most odd contention coming from a man whose public life exhibits none of the fruit of which the Bible says we ought judge a tree by.

The Rapid Fall of Socialist Venezuela ~ So sad to see what happens to a once relatively-prosperous people when the greedy government runs everything – into the ground. But what a teachable moment! If only Bernie voters would wake up and pay attention.

Animal family portraits ~ Awwww…. Some very cute pix :)  


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