Whack-a-Drone #29

Here is another cogent, concise and convincing
example of the rightness of Conservatism.
Whack your favorite drone(s) with the TRUTH:

[There’s a high probability it won’t penetrate their thick
armor of denial – but hey, it’s worth a shot.]

Far from encouraging job growth and independence it seems the Left’s goal is always more DEpendence. Democrats are continually thinking up way to discourage more employment; “free” healthcare, “free” college, expanding the food stamp program. Republicans on the other hand – at least those who are fiscally conservative – focus on policies that help create jobs – so people can actually become self-sufficient.
Here, courtesy of the Daily Signal, is how Republican Governor Rick Scott helped Florida create 1 Million Jobs in 5 Years ~

Instead of raising taxes, Florida cut taxes nearly 50 times. Even though Florida is already a zero-income-tax state (an attractive quality on its own), Scott and the legislature found ways to cut taxes even more. They did this through reducing the number of weeks and payout for unemployment compensation, issuing tax exemptions on machine purchases, extending corporate income tax exemptions, cutting tax on commercial leases, and closing loopholes. There is no question; Florida is creative at cutting taxes.
Cutting onerous and unnecessary regulations. Since 2011, Florida has cut nearly 3,200 regulations that were once harmful to business. At the start of Scott’s term, there were nearly 21,000 regulations that affected businesses. That’s an impressive 15-percent decrease in less than 5 years.
Florida is serious when it comes to budgeting. When Scott took office, there was $5.2 billion added to the debt. Since then, Florida now has a projected a $635 million surplus for 2016-2017.
Florida cuts wasteful spending. In 2015, Scott’s office pushed for $461 million in “special projects” to be cut from the budget.
Instead of wasteful spending, Florida has spent on infrastructure that helps the economy thrive. Since 2011, Florida has committed over $600 million to update and add to its ports, which generate nearly $100 billion in economic value for the state.
The size and scope of government has been reduced. Since Scott took office, nearly 11,000 government jobs have been cut, and the most recent budget proposes to cut nearly a thousand more.

Wow huh?!
It’s a simple formula ~

It’s simple: Get government out of the way, and unleash prosperity. Since 2011, (Florida’s) unemployment has been reduced to 5 percent, tourism is stronger than ever (setting records four years in a row), and (the state’s) GDP (gross domestic product) is at 2.7 percent growth, which is outperforming the national GDP, which is at 2.2 percent.

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