Saving Grace

babyWilWe got some good news on the pro-life front last week: Indiana Becomes Second State to Ban Abortions Based on Down Syndrome ~

(Governor Mike) Pence signed House Bill 1337, which would ban abortion doctors from knowingly aborting an unborn baby solely because of a genetic disability such as Down syndrome, the unborn baby’s race or sex.

Back when the Christian worldview was more ubiquitous in western society, each human life was presumed to have value (in God’s eyes – and subsequently in ours). Because “playing God” by weeding out “undesirables” would have been almost unthinkable, legislation of this sort would have been totally unnecessary.
How times have changed. Two years ago in England, 92% of babies with Down Syndrome were killed in abortions according to a report from the British Department of Health. 92 percent!
Even in the U.S. it’s estimated that “Abortion after Prenatal Diagnosis of Down Syndrome Reduces Down Syndrome Community by 30%.”
What a tragedy.


I titled this post “Saving Grace” after a phrase Ann Barnhardt used in reference to those among us with an extra chromosome; …many people with Down Syndrome are especially profound channels of God’s Grace.
That seems to be so very true.
babyAce&momOver and over we hear from families with Down Syndrome kids who can only describe how wonderfully blessed they are to have these children in their lives. I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading this article from Micha Boyett: “The day I won the lottery.” What a moving testimony ~

Ace is the dreamiest baby. He is gentler than any person I know, old or young. He lives for his brothers, who surround him with dances and songs, or who blow past him and his tummy time on the quilt, always on their way to snack time or homework, sometimes laughing, sometimes fighting or crying, sometimes talking back to me. Ace watches while I break up wild wrestling matches, or lecture the little boy with the attitude, or dish out consequences. And he waits for our eyes to catch one another. And when they do, I sometimes gasp at the purity of his love for us. We the undeserving ones.

babyWil&dadThe fierce love and devotion that families have for these kids is returned in spades by the children themselves. Most parents with a Down Syndrome child couldn’t imagine life without them. Alan Lawrence shares the joy of Wil at thatdadblog ~

Today (March 21st) is World Down Syndrome day! This day ranks up there with Christmas and National Pancake Day in our house. Do you know anyone with DS? If you do, you should give them a big hug today and #shouttheirworth to all the world. A lot of us will be using the hashtag #shouttheirworth today so if you don’t know someone with Down Syndrome its a perfect day to change that.


(Lawrence is a professional photographer. His pictures of Wil and the rest of the family will put a huge smile on your face!)

All of which is to say what a damn shame it is that people selfishly choose to literally throw these blessings from God away. In June 2014, commenting on the horrid 92% abortion rate of DS babies in England, Dr. Ruth Cullen said:

“This story highlights in a very stark way the total disregard for human life that exists once abortion becomes legal. Abortion is legal in Britain, up to birth, in situations where a baby is diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome.”
Dr Cullen said: “It is rank hypocrisy for Governments that tolerate such laws to be parading themselves as defenders of human rights while at the same time justifying the killing of unborn children with special needs instead of creating a more welcoming society for children and families in these situations.”

So let’s be very grateful for Indiana’s legislature and Governor Pence. And let’s pray that other states follow their principled lead. Let’s help save this grace.

Why This Father Says Having a Child With Down Syndrome is the “Best Thing to Ever Happen to Me” ~ Very touching video from a Downs dad
Photographer dad and his fantastic flying son

It is no surprise that satan and his minions hate Down Syndrome people ~ More of Ann Barnhardt’s pull-no-punches rant ~

As many of you know, people with Down Syndrome are known for being joyful, loving, caring, and empathetic. I think it can be safely said that no person with Down Syndrome has ever descended into Diabolical Narcissism. People with Down Syndrome almost universally make the people around them better – whereas Diabolical Narcissists are soul-killing vectors of destruction, scandalizing and wringing every bit of joy and love out of their chosen victims. Whereas Diabolical Narcissists are Hell’s Mercenaries, many people with Down Syndrome are especially profound channels of God’s Grace.

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