Roiling Waters

Well so much for the new era of civility… Maybe Maxine just didn’t get the memo.
Yes, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) was in fine form last Saturday at a forum in Inglewood. I like Tony Katz’ (Big Journalism) take on her antics:
Is there Waters in Hell?

Saying the tea party can go to hell might get you a lot of cheers, but it gets you a lot of cheers from a group of ill-informed lackies who won’t do the hard work of asking themselves (to quote David Byrne) “How Did I Get Here?” Questions like that would lead them, if they are honest with themselves, to the reality that governmental polices (state and federal) that encourage high taxation and low growth, that over-regulate and undervalue the individual and that put far too much power in the hand of unions, not job creators, leads to high unemployment and a bad future.
…the tea party stands opposed to those kinds of bureaucratic nightmares. The tea party has done more to help the American people than Rep. Waters has ever done for her country, never mind her constituents. The tea party pushes people to recognize the inconsistencies in our elected officials, to value hard work, to force conversations that are tough and hard and messy while not giving up on the Constitution (which some elected leaders have chosen to do.) Rep. Waters pushes her constituents to hate. In this case, the tea party.


Just imagine the outrage from the Left if Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin had gone on a similar rant against the SEIU.

Michelle Malkin with: Swamp Queen Maxine Waters makes taxpayers’ lives hell ~ Seems Rep.Waters ethics violations trial (related to her wheeling and dealing on behalf of minority-owned OneUnited Bank in Los Angeles) is still stalled.
Cue the crickets.

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