The Secrets of RINO Warfare

The June 2014 defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia’s Republican primary was a major highlight of that years’ election cycle. Those of us in fly-over country probably failed to appreciate what a truly stunning upset it really was, but “Holy Crap!” was the phrase most repeated by the inside-the-beltway pundits that day.
how2bagaRINOI just finished reading “How to Bag a RINO” which describes Dave Brat’s amazing victory. It was written by the two young men most directly responsible for that “Holy Crap!” moment; Gray Delaney & Zach Werrell.

In the book they share some fundamental keys to a successful campaign:
• Make sure you have a truly electable candidate. The RINO hunters were very fortunate to have that in college economics professor, Dave Brat.
• Be sincere, convincing (and yes, lucky) enough to attract hard-working, dedicated volunteers.
• Point out your opponent’s hypocrisy. Cantor’s own non-conservative record convicted him.
• Knock on lots of doors. Follow up. Repeat.

Lots of good advice, but what struck me the most through the book’s engaging narrative was the level of contempt that the Washington Cartel has for regular Americans. Yes, we know they don’t really respect the voters, but reading “RINO” makes you realize that the establishment class – both parties – actually despise us. Cantor barely deigned to show up in his district to campaign for re-election.
And corrupt? Delaney and Werrell compare the Cantor machine to the mob; “The Henrico Mafia.” These greedy little despots smear, they lie, they cheat, they threaten. They have no principles at all to get in the way of their ruthless pursuit of ever more money, influence and power.



Dave Brat’s victory over the RINOs of Virginia’s 7th District is an awesome real-life David vs. Goliath story. His campaign took on the formidable Eric Cantor machine – on a shoestring budget – and crushed it.
If you want to be informed, energized – and most importantly – inspired to stay in the fight in the middle of this crucial election season, read “How to Bag a RINO!”

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