Saturday Shorts – 2-6-16


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Super ‘Toilet’ Bowl: City scorched for open-air ‘pee’ wall ~ More cultural devolution, courtesy of trend-setting San Francisco ~

Just as America’s attention turns to California’s Bay Area for Super Bowl 50, the City by the Bay is offering open-air public urination stations – without doors or walls – where men can do their business within eye-shot of unsuspecting passersby.
“This is a new low even for San Francisco. It is also blatantly illegal,” PJI President Brad Dacus said in a statement. “The city has not even attempted to comply with its own ordinances, much less state or federal law. We intend to hold them accountable. Public urination is bad enough; spending taxpayer money to promote it is indefensible.”


Raymond Ibrahim: “Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men” ~ I think Obama forgot to mention this barbaric tenet of Islam while he was singing the praises of the Religion-of-Peace last Wednesday

DC bill would pay people stipends not to commit crimes ~ Whoa – how can I jump on this gravy train??!

WASHINGTON (AP) — They say crime doesn’t pay, but that might not be entirely true in the District of Columbia as lawmakers look for ways to discourage people from becoming repeat offenders.
The D.C. Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a bill that includes a proposal to pay residents a stipend not to commit crimes. It’s based on a program in Richmond, California, that advocates say has contributed to deep reductions in crime there.
The bill doesn’t specify the value of the stipends, but participants in the California program receive up to $9,000 per year.

Right-to-Work States Have Faster Income Growth ~ Last year, seven of the 10 states with greatest increase in income were right-to-work. (And imagine that – none of them were California) Conservatism works.

GOP establishment seduced by ‘LGBT’ power ~

Wall Street is now exerting massive pressure on Republicans by pushing the “LGBT” agenda. In a breathtakingly short span of time, corporate America, too, has gone “gay,” and the moral decline of too many American businesses has a big impact on the GOP […]
… it seems they’re becoming willing tools of the gaystapo, the same revolutionaries who routinely bully bakers, florists, photographers and innkeepers without batting an eyelash.


City Council Battling Satanists Over Public Prayer ~ Satanic Temple in Phoenix claims discrimination after invite to deliver invocation is scheduled to be revoked ~

Four councilmen are seeking to enact an emergency ruling forbidding representatives from the Satanic Temple of Tucson, Arizona from delivering a prayer at the beginning of the February 17 city council meeting.

This is the cultural crisis to which moral relativity has pushed us; satanists demanding legitimacy in the public square (instead of a gallows!)

BREAKING: Jill Stanek’s home vandalized by violent abortion supporters ~ Stanek is an dedicated, unapologetic pro-life activist. She came home from vacation to find a brick had been chucked through her window with a note demanding her to “Quit the pro-life bulls**t.”

Rather “judgmental” of the pro-choicers wouldn’t you say?

New York Socialist Mayor’s Failed War on Horses Enters 2nd Year ~

(Commie Mayor de Blasio) promised to ban horse carriages in Central Park in his first week in office as part of a dirty deal with one of his top donors who wanted to grab the stables they were in under the guise of “animal rights”. Two years later, despite a fortune spent inflicting Bill de Blasio and a Puerto Rican nationalist terror supporter City Council Speaker on New Yorkers, the horses of Central Park still haven’t been delivered to Bill’s Progressive Glue Factory.

Pope Francis Said to Bless Human-Animal Chimeras ~ Seriously padre? The pontiff actually thinks is OK to play God?! ~

A Spanish scientist working at the Salk Institute in California told Scientific American that Pope Francis personally blessed his cutting-edge research to mix human cells into animal bodies.
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a prominent stem-cell biologist, is engaged in efforts to grow human tissue inside of farm animals such as pigs, sheep, and cows. This type of research is sensitive because scientists have to inject human stem cells into early-stage animal embryos, then try to grow the mixtures inside surrogate animals.

Shocking Child Sexual Abuse in Afghanistan Makes SFC Martland’s Removal from Military More Disturbing ~

Generations of Afghan men are taught to rape and be raped.
Islam and Shari’a law are adamant in their condemnation of homosexuality; however, same-sex relationships between men and boys remain prevalent among the Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan.

See also: Overlooking Evil is itself Evil

Darwinism Produces Sociopathic Ideologies ~

Biblical creation is the only worldview that supplies dignity to the individual and true morality to society. Abandon it for amoral evolution at your own risk.

Facebook Declares War on Patriotism ~ Our elite ruling class doesn’t want to hear any dissent from the peasants; expect to see accelerating censorship on the web, especially from Google and Facebook.

Cruz’s Iowa Win in Part Due to Culture of Kindness and Courage at Campaign HQ ~ The people T. Elliot Gaiser describes in this piece sound like Americans I remember from decades ago when most still knew what the Golden Rule was – and more importantly, tried to follow it.

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