Obama’s devious dealings with Israel

I guess it should surprise no one that an administration willing to politicize – even weaponize – the Internal Revenue Service, threatening and intimidating its own citizens, would stoop to spying on its international adversaries.
Although most Americans still consider Israel an ally, the president clearly doesn’t. And since no one is stopping him, Obama merrily marches on with his nefarious plan to subvert our relationship with that nation; endangering both Israel and the U.S. in the process. Caroline Glick illuminates his underhanded tactics in this piece from the Jerusalem Post ~

… according to the (Wall Street Journal) report, to advance its diplomatic opening to Iran, the administration has knowingly and deliberately spied on both law-abiding US citizens who posed no risk to US national security and on US lawmakers engaged in their lawful, constitutional duties.[…]
The picture painted by the Journal article is of an administration that made massive, continuous and deliberate use of intercepted conversations between lawmakers and private citizens with Israeli officials.[…]
In Wednesday’s article, we learned that last summer, as Congress prepared to vote – or not to vote – on Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, the administration intercepted communications carried out between Israeli officials and private citizens as well as Democratic lawmakers.

And the bastards just continue to get away with it since the msm could care less.

It ought to go without saying that the administration’s massive efforts to block information about the most radical US foreign policy initiative since World War II from US lawmakers speaks volumes about how Obama and his colleagues assessed the public’s position on Iran generally and Obama’s nuclear talks with the mullocracy specifically.
The nuclear deal with Iran endangers the US directly.
It empowers the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism financially, diplomatically and militarily. Iran declared war against the US 37 years ago and has been calling for the destruction of America and supporting terrorist attacks against the US and its allies ever since.
As to those allies, the nuclear deal with Iran specifically, and the Obama administration’s decision to embrace Iran as a potential ally more generally, place Israel in jeopardy. So, too, it endangers all of the US’s traditional Arab allies.

Just more treason – ho-hum.


Glick concludes with the following ~

With each passing day it becomes clearer that Netanyahu was right about the danger of the deal and Obama was wrong, and deliberately misleading.
Four months later, Iran still refuses to approve or implement the deal. The American hostages it holds continue to languish in its prisons. Its nuclear sites remain closed to international inspectors. Its ballistic missile program is moving forward and no one takes seriously the administration’s announcement this week that it will pursue sanctions at the UN Security Council against Iran for its recent ballistic missile tests […]
But in truth, the story wasn’t really about Israel. It was about an administration so contemptuous of US lawmakers and citizens that its senior officials have no compunction about admitting that they are breaking the law. They brazenly admit that they are undertaking unlawful spying operations against private citizens and lawmakers and in so doing conducting a massive abuse of presidential powers while trampling the spirit and arguably the letter of the US Constitution.
And they expect that no one will call them to task for it.

And no one will.

What “The Speech” is really all about ~ The O’Ministration’s tantrum over Netanyahu’s address to Congress was actually an attempt to undermine the prime minister’s re-election.
NSA Spies on Israel–and Obama’s Opponents ~

The revelation Tuesday by Adam Entrous and Danny Yadron of the Wall Street Journal that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conversations with congressional leaders represents the latest–and worst–partisan abuse of power by the Obama administration […]
… the NSA was used, almost certainly illegally, to spy on members of Congress and private citizens–not for a legitimate national security purpose, but to count votes for or against the Iran deal and outmaneuver the pro-Israel community’s objections.

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