Saturday Shorts – 11-7-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

This Kid Invented Something Fabulous for Vets and Will Never Be Invited to the White House ~ Unlike “Clock-Boy,” Tyler Skluzacek has actually created something truly life-changing and newsworthy ~ Student creates app for vets to prevent night terrors. But sorry Tyler, wrong demographics for a White House invitation.
Mackinac’s Grand Hotel named best historic resort by Historic Hotels of America ~ Just a little plug for one our great Michigan attractions :)

Diagnosing Dissenters; Is Homophobia a Disorder? ~ How in the world has our understanding of the human psyche turned inside out in half the time of an average life span?

In just thirty years, America went from a country where homosexuality was a diagnosable disorder to one where you can be fined for refusing to bake a gay “wedding” cake. Now things are going a step further. New research published in “The Journal of Sexual Medicine” suggests that homophobia, not homosexuality, is the psychological disorder.[…]
“After discussing for centuries if homosexuality is to be considered a disease, for the first time we demonstrated that the real disease to be cured is homophobia.” ~ Emmanuele Jannini 😯

Progressive insanity.

One Small Step toward Reining in the EPA ~ If these power-mad bureaucrats aren’t stopped, you won’t be able to fill in puddles on your own property ~

A Cincinnati-based federal court recently put a hold on the federal EPA’s controversial “Waters of the United States” rule that would have put farm ponds, drainage ditches, and similar waters, by no means navigable, under its rule, constituting a huge expansion of EPA authority at the expense of states’ sovereignty and property owners’ rights.

Physician Assisted Suicide is Inconsistent with National Efforts to Reduce Suicide ~ It’s as if the country is having a tug-of-war with itself over this issue. Either every human life has value – or it doesn’t.

Why I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz for President ~ One of my favorite theologians endorses my favorite candidate!

I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but I’m endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons: 1) he is a man of unshakable, conservative moral convictions; 2) he is willing to take on the Washington establishment; 3) we need a radical shift in the direction of our country, and his team has asked me to help get out the evangelical vote […]
… there is no question that an ungodly leader can bring destruction to a nation and a godly leader can bring blessing. As Proverbs 29:2 states, “When the righteous become great the people rejoice, but when the wicked dominate the people groan.”

The 7 Keys To Trapping As Many Americans As Possible In Poverty ~ Pretty much nails it. And Progressives have ruthlessly employed every one of these tricks. Too bad the high-apathy, low-information folks can’t see it.

Who’s Burning Black Churches? Oh. ~ Save this article from Michelle Malkin for the next time the mainstream media tries to pull another one of their faux-racism con jobs ~

This is nuts. There’s a long, shameful trail of hate-crime hoaxes exploiting racial division in America that can no longer be whitewashed by the media and academia. The real sellouts are the phonies and fraudsters “of color” who must manufacture racism for attention, clicks, and career advancement while victims of all backgrounds pick up the pieces.

Anti-Redskins Tribal Leader Decries Redskins as Offensive, While Donning Blackface for Halloween ~ Seriously dude? How do you say “hypocrite” in Apache

Manifesto Found – California Authorities Still Don’t Know Motive, But For Some Reason He Did Praise Allah… ~

UC Merced Chancellor Dorothy Leland says personal animosities, not a political agenda, motivated 18-year-old Faisal Mohammad from Santa Clara in Wednesday’s multiple stabbings on the school’s campus. Authorities say the stabbing of four people at UC Merced was not related to terrorism.

So there you go sheeple. These aren’t the drones you’re looking for.

Atacama Desert Blooms Pink After Historic Rainfall ~ Every decade or two, conditions are just right to make the Atacama Desert in South America bloom. Creation-Evolution Headlines wonders how seeds “evolved” the capacity to lay dormant for years then suddenly burst to life ~

How do they know? Moisture descending through a seed coat underground can leach out inhibitors to sprouting. There are also built-in clock controls to know the seasons, and other monitors such as for temperature. Some of these trigger cascades of enzymes that form networks with feedback loops, switching on genes that wake up the cells in the seedling and call them to action. How the various factors coordinate these changes is not well understood […]
… complex, specified information. It’s been programmed into these seeds by a Mind that is not only super-intelligent but loves beauty. :)

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