Saturday Shorts 10-17-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Shocking ‘text neck’ X-rays show how children as young as SEVEN are becoming hunch backs because of their addiction to smart phones ~ Forgotten wisdom from a couple thousand years ago warned us: “Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide.” Marcus Tillius Cicero ~

• Leading Australian chiropractor has warned about dangers of ‘text neck’
• Dr James Carter has seen an ‘alarming increase’ in teenage patients
• This can be caused by bending over smartphones for several hours a day
• The condition can lead to cognitive problems and depression

Think there’s no such thing as cell phone/social media addiction? This tragedy just happened in India ➡ Newlywed wife, 20, hangs herself after her Indian husband takes away her phone because she was always on Facebook and WhatsApp

Grocer’s Fresh Idea Lowers Prices For Low-Income Residents Who Volunteer ~ Wow, this is really a great win-win idea! Let’s call it… “Creative Capitalism!”

Did James Hansen Unwittingly Prove The Null Hypothesis Of AGW? ~ A slightly technical article, but it correctly shows how the climate models being used to prove AGW (anthropologic global warming) are based on faulty assumptions ~

The only place in the world where CO2 increase causes a temperature increase is in climate models, including those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The assumption that a CO2 increase causes a temperature increase is central to the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis. If incorrect, failure of this assumption alone should guarantee rejection of the hypothesis. In proper scientific procedure if the hypothesis is rejected the null hypothesis is considered. In this case, the null hypothesis is that CO2 is not causing global warming.[…]
However, apparently driven by his political agenda, (Jim Hansen) had to convince politicians that a reduction in CO2 output would solve the problem. To do this, he ran his model to show what happens with no CO2 increase. It produced a curve that fits the actual temperature trend in the intervening 27 years. This is the result you expect if you accept the null hypothesis that CO2 from any source is not causing global warming.


But the greeniacs are so blinded by their ideology, facts don’t mattter. Neither do people ~ Enviros to Africa: Stay Poor and Die Early ~ More evidence that the Climate Change crowd apparently doesn’t think developing nations should actually be allowed to “develop.”

And they’re definitely serious about advancing their progressive agenda ~
Armed EPA Agents? The Truth Is Way Out There ~

According to a report released last week by a watchdog group called Open the Books, the EPA has spent millions of dollars recently on guns, ammo, body armor, camouflage equipment, and even night-vision goggles to arm its agents in the war on polluters.

Study: Porn users more likely to support abortion ~ No big surprise there. They could have saved the cost of the study and just consulted these folks ➡ National Center on Sexual Exploitation ~

Founded in 1962, National Center on Sexual Exploitation is the leading national organization opposing pornography by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse, addiction and more.

Shock video: Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists assaults praying men, tries to burn Cathedral Unbelievable. These women are behaving like wild animals! Can you say “possessed?” ~

Mar de Plata, Argentina, October 13, 2015 – A horrific and surreal scene unfolded Monday night outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata in Argentina as hordes of women, many of them masked and half naked, violently assaulted a group of young men who stood outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata praying and standing watch […]

Even more jaw-dropping…

While the police and faithful came out bravely to defend the church form the aggressors, putting their bodies in the way of the hordes, it appears that the local Church hierarchy is not willing to do the same.
Father Gabriel Mestre, the Vicar of the Cathedral, stated that “one has to accept the dynamic and the dissent , and in fact in the Church we have to accept it because I think that more than half is in favor of legal abortion, and for that there are proper avenues, within a pluralistic and democratic society to generate policies which each from his ideological frame of reference considers as an appropriate way to progress, just like happened with ‘marriage’ equality or with divorce.”

What a bunch of twisted heretical nonsense!


Unfortunately, there are too few Catholic priests like Cardinal De Paolis: “Today there is a lot of talk about compassion, love and mercy. But without truth, we are way off course.”

Gen. Boykin: Ousting Syria’s Assad Is the Wrong Goal ~

“He is an evil despot, but he has never threatened Israel and he’s never killed Christians in Syria,” he said. If Assad is forced out, “the alternative is what I think is a fictitious, mythical Free Syrian Army or ISIS.”

Boykin also suggests alternative actions ~

Since the Obama administration is unlikely to changes its policy, Gen. Boykin said a U.S.-led coalition should establish “safe zones” for civilians fleeing the fighting and the brutality of ISIS.
Those areas should be protected by coalition forces on the ground and a no-fly zone in the air. Russia should be given a clear warning not to fly over those spaces, he explained.
Boykin also called for U.S. Special Operations forces on the ground to direct air strikes against ISIS targets.

Franklin Graham: It’s Time to Take a Stand ~ Thank God for Franklin Graham, one of the few courageous Christian leaders willing to speak out about American’s desperate need to turn back to our faith ~

“There is no doubt our great nation is at a crossroads, and the church of Jesus Christ needs to take a stand. This is why in 2016, I’m traveling to all 50 states to hold prayer rallies, calling our nation to God. We’re calling it the Decision America Tour, and we’re challenging Christians to pray for America, practice biblical principles at home and in public, and be sure to vote in the upcoming elections.” ~ Franklin Graham

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