Muslim president? Obama’s been practicing “taqiyya” since the day he took office

Dr. Ben Carson has been vilified by the Left for having the temerity to suggest that a Muslim president might be inconsistent with American values. The mainstream media, for once pretending fealty to the Constitution, are aghast. That document clearly says there’s no religious test they indignantly assert.
taqjyyawormpgSpin, distract, prevaricate. Pretend that Carson misunderstood the literal words of the Constitution, when he plainly meant that the tenets of Islam are wholly incompatible with our founding principles. (Especially Islamists’ nefarious practice of Taqiyya*)
Proving Carson’s point, we already have a Muslim sympathizer in the White House, and look how well that’s turned out ~


[Hat-tip: Chadams]



“Too long, for the honor of nations, have those Barbarians been [permitted] to trample on the sacred faith of treaties, on the rights and laws of human nature!” ~ Thomas Jefferson on 19th century Muslims (the Barbary pirates)

*Taqiyya: Lying to advance the cause of Islam
Washington Post quotes Islamic apologists’ taqiyya to “prove” Ben Carson wrong about taqiyya ~ from Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch) who’s been calling out Islamist lies for years.
Why Ben Carson Is Right ~ Dispelling the myth that Sharia is as American as apple pie (Nonie Darwish at Front Page Mag) ~

It is a fact that wherever Islam goes fanatical, Sharia adherents take over simply because Islamic law says they must. And with them come misery, conflict, instability, strife, hatred and horrific violations of human rights that always end with huge numbers of refugees and escapees from the tyranny of Sharia. The whole world was flooded with Armenians after the Islamic Turkish genocide.
Western media have abdicated their duty to inform U.S. citizens of any ideology that threatens their way of life. The Left treats all religions and ideologies as equal, except for Christianity and capitalism. The media uses shaming to silence the natural wish of Americans to protect themselves. That is why it is in the West that the expressions of “moderate” and “radical” Muslims were conveniently coined in order to satisfy a leftist agenda — which holds that a “moderate” Muslim is just as good as a believing moderate Christian in regards to governing with respect to the constitution.
But the truth is that the U.S. Constitution was the product of the Bible and it is, at the same time, in conflict with Islamic values.

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