Saturday Shorts 4-4-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Mystery Outbreaks Now Linked to 115 Paralyzed Children and 14 Deaths ~ Sharyl Attkinson has been trying to investigate this story only to have the feds illegally stall her FOIA request; deliberately withholding lifesaving information. Outrageous! And if most mainstream media journalists weren’t members of the O’ministration’s Praetorian Guard, they’d be joining Attkinson in trying to inform the public about critical life and death matters.
But it gets better. Check out this story from Breitbart ~ EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrant with Drug-Resistant TB to Be Released into US, say Congressional Leaders ~ 😯 Watch out Arizona – this guy’s coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
The Whitewashing of Ted Kennedy ~

On the occasion of the opening of an “Edward M. Kennedy Institute” in Boston, “CBS Evening News” anchor Scott Pelley oozed, “Another New England superstar was honored today. Politics was his game, and we’ll have his story next.”[…]
(Among the various) tributes, there was no talk of womanizing, before and after the senator got divorced from Joan Kennedy in 1982. Gearing up for Kennedy’s presidential run in 1979, Time magazine ran a piece titled “Sex and the Senior Senator.”

Apparently Mary Jo Kopechne’s survivors were not asked to comment.
When Opposing Laws Like Indiana’s Costs Lives ~ Sometimes it’s not just religious freedoms that are lost.
Ebola Update: Ebola cases top 25,000; The outbreak has infected 25,178 people and killed 10,445 ~ Last August, deaths had just topped 1,000. Less than 9 months later, more than 10 times that number have died. You do the math (I’m no good at it! 😀 ). According to Shepherd of the Gurneys, previous outbreaks of the virus had burned themselves out by now. This strain doesn’t seem likely to do that any time soon.
Harry Reid Is Lying About His “Exercise Accident” And I Can PROVE IT! ~ Steven Crowder, and his dad, say there’s no way the senator injured himself with exercise bands ~

Anyone who’s followed my podcasts knows that both my father and I have been using heavy resistance bands for years. YEARS. So this is a specific area where the Crowder men have much more experience than the bloated, flabby talking heads of today’s cable news world.

Not hard at work but hardly working ~ Opting out of employment altogether ~

The great conundrum of the U.S. economy today is that we have record numbers of working-age Americans out of the labor force at the same time we have businesses desperately trying to find workers […]
A recent Census Bureau study found more than 100 million Americans collecting a government check or benefit each month.

Hey, why make it when you can take it?

Massive Underground City Found in Cappadocia Region of Turkey ~ Intriguing discovery ~

Subterranean retreat may have sheltered thousands of people in times of trouble.
Cappadocia’s early adoption of Christianity — the apostle Paul arrived in the first century, and by the fourth its bishops were power players in the newly Christian Byzantine Empire — made it a safe haven during centuries of war for control of Anatolia. Muslim invaders arrived in the late eighth century, and centuries later came the Seljuk Turks. Eventually Ottoman emperors ruled the entirety of Anatolia.

Annual Passover post, updated to reflect 2015’s scary realities ~ from Bookworm Room. Reading the Exodus story in a somewhat different light, you will no doubt notice some striking similarities between Pharaoh and other tyrants throughout history, including a certain present-day ruler…
The Weekend That Changed the World ~ There’s too much historical evidence to deny that Jesus Christ actually lived and died. Believing that He rose again isn’t so much a leap of faith as a simple willingness to open your heart to the Truth.

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