Progressive Farce of the Day

tomCottonIn yet another episode of the theater of the absurd on the Potomac, yesterday Senate Republicans – led by Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) – sent an open letter to Iranian leaders explaining the truth about treaty obligations under the U.S. Constitution…

“It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system.”
In short, said the senators, any treaty you think you might be signing with Obama isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on because we senators will not ratify it and the next president may tear up the entire thing!

All true.
But then of course the lawless left went into full fact-less attack mode. And Cotton and his fellow senators are smeared as ‘dangerous’ and ‘traitors;’ accused of partisan politics and making “common cause” with Iranian hardliners.
That last silliness was from the president. Free Beacon provides a reality check ~

Obama’s claim is obviously absurd. The senators, led by Tom Cotton, are not making “common cause” or in a “coalition” with Iranian hardliners. It is obvious that on the only issue that really matters—whether or not Iran gets nuclear weapons—they disagree. The Republicans don’t want the Iranians to get nuclear weapons. The Iranian hardliners want nuclear weapons. This is the whole crux of the dispute.
The president’s claims that a deal is the only way to prevent Iran from getting a bomb are plainly unserious. Any deal that leaves the Iranians with technology and materials in place that could build a nuclear bomb, will almost certainly lead to an Iranian nuclear bomb. Thus, the only acceptable deal would be one that prevents the Iranians from retaining such a capacity. Every indication suggests that the Obama administration gave up on such a deal some time ago.

Please Lord…

Jindal Calls On 2016 Candidates To Endorse GOP Letter To Iran ~

“Every single person thinking about running for President, on both sides, should sign on to this letter to make clear to Iran that they are negotiating with a lame duck President. Make no mistake – any Iran deal that President Obama makes is not binding on a future president.”

Tom Cotton Is Right: Founders Wanted Both Senate and President to Sign Off on Treaties ~ From the Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation)

This letter perfectly showcases the intelligence beneath our constitutional design. For America’s founders, both the Senate and the presidency are to channel and accentuate the best qualities of each institution, while preventing either from acting alone, especially in foreign policy.

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