Correcting the President’s Historic Revisionism

In a recent interview with Steve Malzberg (at Newsmax), Dinesh D’Souza sets Obama straight on ISIS, radical Islam and the Crusades. Referring to Obama’s ignorant comments at the National Prayer breakfast earlier this month, D’Souza explains ~

“He was equating the sins of medieval Christianity, namely the Crusades, with the contemporary terrorism of ISIS,” D’Souza said.
“Now, leaving aside the fact that all of this happened with the Crusades over 1,000 years ago, it’s important to remember that the Crusades themselves were a response to Muslim conquest.
“The Muslims not only conquered the Holy Land, they conquered parts of Italy, all of Spain, they were at the gates of Vienna, and had the Christians not fought back, most likely all of Europe would have fallen into Muslim hands.”


With bonus commentary on Brian William’s mis-remembrance.
Video via Dinesh D’


Obama Wants Christians to Share Blame for Terrorism ~

In fact, Muslims are responsible for both ISIS and the Crusades—the Crusaders were fighting a defensive war to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim conquest! […]

And as for the Inquisition? The Inquisition over four centuries killed fewer people than radical Muslims killed in one day on 9/11. How hard the Muslims must laugh to hear Obama respond to ISIS atrocities by blaming Christianity!
Watching Obama deny the radical Islamic terrorism that is plainly happening in front of him is sort of like looking at a Nazi concentration camp and denying that Nazis are running it and Jews are the target.



In pushing his progressive, revisionist version of history, Obama is hoping Americans will suspend critical thinking skills long enough to believe that there’s no such thing as motivation for one’s actions. While attempting to construct a false moral equivalency, he wants us all to pretend that there isn’t a pathological ideology fueling “radical” Islamic violence.
(Hence the administration’s surreal Jobs for Marginalized Extremists Summit.)
The latest outrage from the ISIS barbarians ~ Iraq Envoy to UN: Islamic State Might be Harvesting Organs.

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