A modest proposal for “moderate” Muslims

Dr. Michael Brown hosts “The Line of Fire,” an internet radio show that I highly recommend. Last week, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo murders and further attacks in Europe by members of the Religion-of-Perpetual-Outrage, he issued a proposal to the world-wide Muslim community.
Dr. Brown is always patient, and super-respectful of the callers to his show. And in that same spirit of sincere dialogue, “simply to put these things on the table,” he addressed the contentious issue of Muslim immigration to western countries and the inevitable cultural clashes it creates ~

In the aftermath of the latest Islamic terror attacks, how can the citizens of countries like France, Germany, Holland and Spain feel safe living alongside their Muslim neighbors? And since there has been a backlash against Muslims living in these countries, including attacks on places of business and worship, how can these Muslims feel safe?

Part of the difficulty we non-Muslims have with the Religion-of-Peace is that the voices of “moderate” Muslims roundly condemning terrorist acts are never loud enough or effective enough to drown out the “radicals” ~

Muslim groups like CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations), which is looked at with suspicion by critics of radical Islam, categorically denounced the Paris terror attacks […]
But other Muslim leaders, like the radical British cleric Anjem Choudary, struck a very different tone, tweeting out his support of the massacre: “Freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the Prophets of Allah, whatever your views on the events in Paris today! #ParisShooting”


Unfortunately, these sentiments are shared by many Muslim immigrants to Europe, Australia and New Zealand, America and elsewhere: They want to see our nations overturned—including our democracies and freedoms—and they want to see Sharia Law instated.


Here is Dr. Brown’s frank proposal ~

If Muslims want to immigrate to our countries and practice their faith while respecting the nature of our government and society, wonderful. And they can do that while differing with our moral standards and without fully embracing our way of life.
islamprotest-london2But if their faith calls for them to seek to undermine (or even) overthrow the government, or if their vision includes potential violence against those who reject or insult their faith, then they have no business living among us, and we have no business granting them citizenship. (Could you imagine Saudi Arabia or Pakistan granting citizenship to large numbers of professing Christians whose goal was the violent overthrow of their country?)
islamprotest-london3A massive, bloody clash is looming, as the radicals become more numerous (and even more radical, an example being the defection of Hamas members to ISIS to fight against Israel, since Hamas is deemed too “moderate”), and as anti-Islamic forces continue to rise in Europe.
The solution to all this is relatively simple: Don’t use the liberties you enjoy in our countries to foster a murderous agenda or the attempted implementation of Sharia Law. Instead, work together with us for the good of all citizens.
If you can’t do that, our country is not for you.


Sounds pretty fair and reasonable doesn’t it? But then is Islam really a fair and reasonable ideology? Hmmmm…
Moderate Islam is our new religion ~ Daniel Greenfield’s brilliant take on “moderate Islam” ~

Moderate Islam is a difficult faith. To believe in it you have to disregard over a thousand years of recorded history, theology, demographics and just about everything that predates 1965. You have to ignore the bearded men chopping off heads because they don’t represent the majority of Muslims[…]
When American and European leaders insist that Islam has nothing to do with the latest Islamic atrocity, they are not referencing a religion practiced by Muslims, but an imaginary religion that they imagine Muslims must practice because the alternative is the end of everything that they believe in.

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