Jimmy Carter’s Islamic delusions

Good grief! Now the second-worst president ever, is not only defending the worst one ever for not going to Paris for the solidarity march, he’s essentially blaming Israel for instigating the Charlie Hebdo murderers ~

In the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in France against cartoonists and Jews, former President Jimmy Carter’s first reaction was to pin the motivation for such terrorism on Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. 😯

If Jimmy keeps this up, even the progressive mainstream media may start to question the man’s mental fitness ~

Carter didn’t explain how solving the Israeli-Palestinian issue would in any way resolve the violent conflicts currently engulfing the Arab world, including the Syrian civil war, the Islamic State’s takeover of part of Iraq and its brutal implementation of Islamic law, and the conflict between the Egyptian government and the Muslim Brotherhood, just to name a few.
Nor did he detail how the “Palestinian problem” helps explain why three French Muslims murdered innocent French Jews buying groceries for the coming Sabbath and cartoonists preparing the next issue of their paper.

I’ll bet Carter would blame the Israelis for this vicious anti-Semitism as well
Palestinian Students Make Outrageous Short Film Glorifying Stabbing and Shooting Jews.

Adding insult to insanity – the students actually produced the film at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem! (Hello Israelis! Do you have a death wish?!) ~

Jerusalem Post Arab Affairs correspondent Khaled Abu-Toameh reported that Hamas-aligned students at the college were behind the production, which featured a Jewish “settler” and a “rabbi” – played by students – facing the ultimate punishment for what was characterized as occupying Palestinian land […]

“The Palestinian Authority has been openly promoting murder by glorifying terrorists and has been paying salaries to terrorists for years and the West ignores it – and worse continues funding the Palestinian Authority and treating them like an acceptable government,” Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, which monitors Palestinian media and societal trends, told TheBlaze.

While these Muslim students are more than happy to abuse the freedom of speech afforded them in Jerusalem, the Religion-of-Perpetual-Outrage – as the rabid Imam Anjem Choudary so helpfully points out – doesn’t actually believe in freedom of expression ~


Further, in an interview with Ben Shapiro of Truth Revolt ~

Choudary explained that Muslim scripture made clear that those who insult the Prophet, like journalists at Charlie Hebdo, must be punished: “Those who would insult the Prophet, kill them.” Sharia Law he said, clearly requires any who would insult those Muslims deem “prophets,” including Moses and Jesus, be tried in court and punished. This a system, he added, that Muslims are willing to “fight for and even die for.”

The British imam also had some candidly harsh criticism for the president ~

President Obama, Choudary said, is “lying” about Islam, along with other Western leaders. The Koran itself shows that “Barack Obama is a liar” about the religion’s true nature:
Choudary: Islam for them is whatever they think Islam is in terms of their own interests. Islam is in accordance to the Koran, of the sayings and actions of the Prophet. That’s it. […] I say to you, look at the Koran, look at the sayings of the Prophet, and check for yourself. Is Barack Obama a liar or am I lying? I think that you will find that he’s a liar. He’s only inventing Islam according to what his own foreign policy is.


When it comes to Islam, and the nefarious goals of its adherents, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are either deliberately deceiving themselves, or worse – they’re maliciously lying to us – and intentionally undermining America’s safety.
Palestinians Are Running Out of Friends Again ~ The rest of the world seems to be catching on to the Pali-victim charade. Why is Carter so clearly clueless?
U.S. Denies Jihadist Motivation for Paris Attacks

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