The Value of a Single Life…

Here’s a powerful, just-released short film that compels the viewer to question the harsh reality behind each abortion; imagine the potential-hope-promise that’s extinguished every time a life is snuffed out in the womb…


Mitosis tells the story of a young doctor, who after making a promise to a childhood friend, sets out to find a cure for cancer. The film, from Victoria’s company Expressionistic Studios, was released on YouTube this week and promises to shine a light on the magnitude of damage each and every abortion could have on the world.


Note: the story begins at a particular point in time – then jumps to the future and flows backwards. (I only mention it because it took me a few scenes to catch on :mrgreen: )

Video via


Since sex education is required in every public school these days, screening of this little film should be as well ~

As young people, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, society’s popular opinion on the sanctity of life is directly affecting our lives in huge ways. Just thinking about how profoundly different our world would be if the millions of lives lost were present is mind boggling!

~ 18-year-old director Hannah Victoria

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