Barack’s Bogus Climate Deal

Well it comes as no surprise to we-the-NON-stupid; Obama’s new climate deal with China is just another attempt at economic subversion by our very own – dare we say it – anti-American president ~

The Obama administration is touting a new deal on greenhouse gas emissions between the U.S. and China, according to which the U.S. will decrease its emissions more rapidly now, and China will stop increasing its emissions around 2030 […]

The U.S. would “double the average pace of its carbon-dioxide reductions after 2020, eyeing an overall reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions of between 26% and 28% by 2025, compared with 2005 levels.” China would increase emissions for 15 years and draw 20% of its power from renewable sources.


So beyond the fact that it’s based on demonstrably phony science, the agreement itself is almost comically self-refuting as Real Science so astutely illustrates ~



It is pretty entertaining watching a total moron making deals about things he has no control over, and I’m sure the Chinese feel the same way I do.
Obama’s “climate” deal allows Chinese CO2 emissions to continue growing in a hockey stick for the next 15 years.

If “carbon pollution” was actually a legitimate threat to life as we know it – instead of another progressive scam concocted as the means to redistribute wealth on a global basis – it would be outrageous to allow China to raise their emissions to stratospheric levels (utterly negating any reduction on our part!).
Proving that this “deal” is just another giant crock of Obama’s B.S..
Obama – the Al Capone of Climate Change – launches his next assault on democracy, the Constitution and the US economy
Obama’s Bogus Climate Deal with China
Election over, so US, China agree to make unenforceable long term commitment with no consequences

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