Historic 2014 Election busts spiteful myths about Tea Party

Well OK, in light of yesterday’s epic red tide…


maybe I was being a tad pessimistic in my last post. Still, I’m not backing down from my primary assertion: the GOP establishment stands in direct opposition to constitutionally-limited government, fiscal responsibility and America’s founding values and principles.

The rants from the Left against the Tea Party – racist-sexist-bigot-homophobes-xenophobes – are built on a total pack of lies. In other words, there is no concrete proof for any of the slurs. But because they’ve been repeated ad nauseam, they’re become progressive truth (yes, that’s an oxymoron). And the unprincipled RINOs have eagerly adopted the same underhanded tactics, enthusiastically attaching the epithets to “radical” conservatives whom they view as a major threat to their firmly entrenched power.
They clearly see the Tea Party as “the enemy;” “ruining the [Republican] brand.”
As evidence for the adversarial relationship for example, were there any GOP establishment voices condemning the IRS targeting of conservative groups? No, their silence was deafening. Why? Because they were secretly thrilled to have the O’Ministration was doing their dirty work for them; intimidating those nasty Tea-Baggers.
In fact Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, John Boehner, House Majority Leader and Sen. John McCain, ornery old bull, have all been vocal about their contempt for the Tea Party. Here was Boehner last December ~

(Rep. Boehner) escalated his feud with outside conservative advocacy groups that have repeatedly undermined his leadership team’s agenda for three years.
“”They’re misleading their followers. Frankly, I just think they’ve lost all credibility,” Boehner told reporters Thursday at his weekly press briefing.


His allegations are particularly annoying when you consider that he wouldn’t even be majority speaker if the Tea Party momentum hadn’t resulted in the 2010 Republican takeover of the House! Ingrate.
But that’s your GOP establishment class folks. Insulated from the real world in their elitist beltway bubble, they have much more in common with Democrats than with regular Americans. Along with their allies in the mainstream media, the two groups are united against conservatives; any threat to their big government grip on our lives must be eliminated. (As further evidence of their animosity, take note of the latest term they’re collectively using for the Tea Party: “Insurgents.”)

Happy as they must have been with the red shift last night, I’m sure Boehner and his cronies weren’t thrilled with all the Republican victories, including any candidates endorsed by the Senate Conservatives Fund – most especially Dave Brat, who knocked Eric Cantor out in the primary. (Woo-Hoo!)
Along with several notable “Insurgent” wins, two stand out as stunning refutations of the RINO/Leftist/MSM slanders; Mia Love(R-UT) and Tim Scott(R-SC).
Mia Love, a conservative and a Mormon, served as mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah (Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2013). Working with city council members she was able to significantly reduce operating expenses. So much so, that when she left office, Saratoga Springs had the highest possible bond rating for a city of its size.
This was Love’s second bid for a U.S. House seat. Prior to her first, unsuccessful run, GOP dinosaur Sen. Orin Hatch (R-UT) dismissed her as a “novelty.
About last night’s victory, Love said…

… it was clear that Utah citizens were “not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender,” but electing people who had integrity.

Then there was Tim Scott (R-SC). Appointed to his senate seat last year by Gov. Nikki Haley as a replacement for the retiring Jim DeMint, he made history as well, netting more than 60% of the vote: Scott first black senator elected in South since Reconstruction.
For a glimpse at his character, here’s one of Scott’s tweets from last night ~


So… Tea Party Myths – busted!
• the “War of Women” – was a sham
• Tea Party isn’t racist or sexist
• Fiscal responsibility is a winning strategy
• Xenophobic? Love and her parents are Haitian (legal) immigrants
But don’t expect the ruling class to admit the glaring truth. They’re too invested in the falsehoods they’ve created.


So, while we can revel awhile in yesterday’s election results, we need to remember that this was just one round in the fight. We have to stay focused on all three fronts of the long term war: the Left, the mainstream media… and the RINOs!
Girl Power – GOP women somehow defeat GOP sexism 😀

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