Saturday Shorts – 9-13-14


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Murder of Catholic Nuns Shocks World ~ (Except in our corner of the world, where the media has convinced us that all we should care about is Ray Rice!) This latest outrage from Islamists involves three nuns who were with Xaverian Missionaries in Burundi, a tiny country in Africa, just south of Rwanda.

Government Schools Harm Hispanics ~ Yes, it’s called “indoctrination” ~

“The bad news was that the longer their children were in the U. S. public school system, the more they slipped away from their parents’ grasp and got involved with bad peers and the worse they performed academically.” ~ Mike Gonzalez, author of “A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic-Americans”

The dark side of the Ice Bucket Challenge ~ Selena Owens sees evil influences and symbolism in popular phenomenon, starting with the bizarre, rather dark “drowning accident” of Corey Griffin, the 27-year-old co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Not such a far-fetched theory considering the dark times we’re living in.

Liberals & the PC Destruction of American Sports ~ Whatever happened to sportcasters just discussing sports?

Football and all sports activities have traditionally offered a respite from the cares of the world and a place where we can, if only for a few hours, whoop and holler and yell for the home team. It’s good to have an outlet but now it is being stifled by those who just want to tell us how and what we can do regarding every moment of our lives.

Identity of notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper finally revealed ~ Mystery solved! DNA always gets em in the end – even if it takes 126 years.

Tea Party Keeps Winning in Wisconsin ~ This article focuses on ground game and strategies, but the positive results of conservative policy implementation in the state must certainly be fueling the success of the Wisconsin Tea Party.

Has the New York Times Just Provided Proof of Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operations in the United States? ~ Gee, maybe Michele Bachmann wasn’t such a right-wing nutjob after all ~

The New York Times has provided a very important glimpse into a new era of foreign-government influence operations in the United States. Those who raised concerns about it in the past should now feel vindicated. But if members of Congress or the Department of Justice decide to dig deeper into this issue, their investigation cannot stop at influence-buying of US think tanks but must look into every aspect of America’s national security apparatus.

British Women Running ISIS ‘Brothels’ Full of Kidnapped Yazidis ~ When it comes to the religion of peace, women can be as equally depraved as men.

Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the utopian dream of controlling the uncontrollable ~ It may sound harsh, but when we take God out the mix and make ourselves the arbiters of “worthiness,” it’s a short step to fascism ~

Diminishing the resistance to all forms of suicide by accepting… that some lives are ‘no longer worth living’ implies that some suicides are good, that some are acceptable. This can never be the case.
The World Health Organisation reporting recently that one suicide occurs every 40 seconds around the world and that, globally, the highest rate of suicide is amongst people aged 70 and over, should provide us with pause for thought. Are we going to discriminate against the aged and infirmed in terms of suicide prevention; are we going to allow the former Nazi slogan of ‘life not worthy of life’ to skew our objectives of reducing the incidents of suicide?

Christianity Grounded in the Historical Fact of the Resurrection ~ David Limbaugh discusses some of the points he makes in his new book for doubters: Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel ~

…(the original disciples) did not die for an abstract ideology. They did not develop some elaborate theology around which they could base a religion for no reason. They were eyewitnesses to the most remarkable event in human history, and their faith was built around that.

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