Saturday Shorts – 8-30-14


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal sues Obama over Common Core State Standards ~ Initially in favor of adopting Common Core, Jindal quickly realized the totalitarian nature of the rigid, sub-par, standardized “education” that was being implemented. Great to see him pushing back.

Note – this particular progressively-slanted article makes it sound like Jindal was all in favor of common Core because of the federal dollars attached to the program. But the coercive nature of this program, very fact that the feds are bribing states with huge amounts of cash, is now a primary motivation to stand against it. The governor is turning down the thirty pieces of silver.

Palin Mocked in 2008 for Warning Putin May Invade Ukraine if Obama Elected ~ The Left was too busy misquoting the governor about just how close the eastern Russian coastline is to Alaska to actually discern the truth in what she had to say. Not really so funny anymore.

The Meaning of “Objectively Disordered” ~ A reasoned yet sensitive explanation of the catholic (in this case “C”atholic) position on homosexual attraction ~

The reaction to Church teaching in the area of homosexuality is, in part, symptomatic of a deeper and fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the human person. The misunderstanding of the Church’s teaching is further complicated by the fact that we live in a sound-bite culture, where nuanced technical terms are underappreciated. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Catholics to explain thoroughly and with sensitivity the eternal truth conveyed by the language of the Church.

Same-sex Adoption: Not as Harmless as Portrayed ~
When surveys are deliberately prejudiced in favor of a particular outcome agenda advancement becomes much easier (GIGO: garbage-in: garbage-out). Non-biased studies present a much different picture ~

The NFSS’s results showed that children who remain with their intact biological families were better educated, were in better mental and physical health, reported overall higher levels of happiness, displayed less drug use and less criminal behaviour.

This Obama Administration Proposal Would Effectively Authorize Some Americans Seceding ~ Unmaking America ~

… the Obama administration is proposing to recognize so-called “Native” Hawaiians as an Indian tribe entitled to separate and become an independent sovereign and to “reestablish” a “government-to-government relationship between the United State and the Native Hawaiian community.”
Such an unconstitutional action would amount to authorizing secession for certain residents of Hawaii.
This would balkanize Hawaii, dividing the islands into separate racial and ethnic enclaves, and undo “the political bargain through which Hawaii secured its admission into the Union.”[…]
At worst, the Obama administration’s proposal is unconstitutional, and as a number of U.S. senators have told the administration, it is “at best offensive to the character of a country devoted to the advancement of all its citizens regardless of race.”

Un-American. Unconstitutional. Unconscionable. Yep, that’s our Barack.

King Obama strikes again – Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty ~ Our tyrant-in-chief is considering yet another unconstitutional action: global redistribution based on the flawed science of climate alarmists. Even as the truth keeps intruding ~ Surprise! Glaciers appearing in Scotland.
And more fraud-for-the-cause has been uncovered ~
Australian scientist calls for ‘heads to roll’ over adjusted temperature data

Christian Metal Bands Are Satanists, Catholic Music Is Holy ~ A sincere appeal from Theodore Shoebat for a return to the soul-inspiring sounds of sacred music ~

When we fight evil, the army of heaven fights with us. Let us forsake the satanic rubbish called “Christian metal,” and take up the authentic arts of the Church Militant […]
We are in a spiritual war, and we must participate in it with every fiber of our bodies and our souls.

A New Direction in Church Design ~
A WELCOME new direction ➡ Back to traditional architecture! Embracing eternal beauty and putting God back as the center of worship.

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