Holder heads to Ferguson to make things worse

Or – as Matthew Vadum at FrontPage Mag puts it – The Ferguson Fix Is In.
After all, how can any good come from this latest development in the Michael Brown drama when the most divisive president in American history sends the most divisive, corrupt race-baiter in his cabinet to the riot-torn St. Louis suburb to “oversee” the investigation?

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who has single-mindedly focused on converting the Department of Justice into a racial grievance incubator, is scheduled to visit Ferguson, Mo., today in an appearance billed as an attempt to restore calm to a community that has erupted in almost daily violence since Brown, a young black man, was shot Aug. 9 by a police officer. Left-wingers who believe as an article of faith that America is racist insist, despite the growing body of exculpatory evidence, that Brown was murdered by a white policeman. They will not be dissuaded no matter how much proof accumulates that the officer fired on Brown because he believed his life was in danger.


Over the last week, the gentle giant: evil cop fictional narrative has been rapidly eroding as the actual facts of the case have come to light. So in rides Holder to muddy the waters, obfuscate whatever truth has been revealed, and exacerbate racial tensions, further destroying the civil society.

How do we know that with the Ferguson whistle stop Holder is, as usual, up to no good?
First, because Eric Holder is constitutionally incapable of calming things down, and second, because the signs of a well-crafted con job are there.

BeerSummitOpticsThey’ve been setting the stage for this Missouri melodrama for years. Obama’s been peddling the myth of an indelibly racist America since he first took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Remember how the cops in Cambridge, MA “acted stupidly” and our feckless leader held the “Beer Summit” to purportedly reconcile bigoted law enforcement agencies with innocent, persecuted black folk? That contrived episode was merely laying the groundwork for the subsequent racial animosity the administration was secretly hoping to provoke.
Along the way the Trayvon travesty presented another opportunity for more shameless agit-prop to further the agenda.
And now, in Ferguson,

The (current) goal is to polarize and enrage and foment even more racial tension and violence to distract from Obama’s seemingly endless political problems, as well as to energize the Democratic Party’s base so they vote in droves in November.[…]
This week Holder and Obama’s Chicagoland enforcer Valerie Jarrett reportedly talked to representatives of what one news article termed “civic groups.” They bragged about the hundreds of interviews they have forced scores of FBI agents to conduct in Ferguson in a desperate attempt to bolster the bad-white-cop-murdered-good-black-kid theory.
Among the left-wing activist organizations included on the conference call were the odious National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). This fact tells you more or less all you need to know about Holder’s intentions.
Undoubtedly the usual crew of bad people who hate America, the very worst of the radical left-wing community organizing outfits, also participated in the call. This is the clandestine way the Obama White House has operated since the very beginning. It is more an exercise in conspiracy coordination than in allied group relations.
Apart from the FBI whose agents have been forced to scour Ferguson in search of evidence of imagined civil rights law violations, these groups are connected, if not already actively collaborating, with the criminals doing their best to burn Ferguson to the ground for its supposed sins.

But the real-life consequences of their agitating don’t matter at all to Progressives. Obama and Holder don’t care a whit for the people they claim to be championing.
And the real tragedy of this Ferguson fiasco is that if the O’Ministration doesn’t remove themselves the equation, true justice won’t have a chance of prevailing.

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