America needs God to be good

founders-quote-NWebsterThe moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the miseries and evils which men suffer from, vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war proceed from their despising or neglecting of the precepts contained in the Bible.
~ Noah Webster, the Father of public education in America


To a man, America’s founding fathers acknowledged the existence of a creator God. That single core belief is the very lynchpin of our Constitutional Republic. This is plain historical fact, whether our friends on the Left wish to acknowledge it or not.
founding-fathers-prayingAnd we reject that transcendent truth at the country’s peril because, as Dennis Prager points out in a recent article; America Won’t Be Good without God ~

On page 563 of his latest biography — John Quincy Adams: American Visionary — author Fred Kaplan (biographer of Abraham Lincoln, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Gore Vidal among others) cites this insight of the sixth president:
Christianity had, all in all, he believed, been a civilizing force, “checking and controlling the anti-social passions of man.”
That insight is pretty much all an American needs to know in order to understand why the American Founders considered religion — specifically ethical monotheism rooted in the Hebrew Bible — indispensable to the American experiment; and why the America we have known since 1776 is in jeopardy.

Prager explains how men cannot be self-governing if they refuse to govern themselves, and demonstrates how faith is crucial to a free society ~

… our prisons are not filled with religious Jewish and Christian murderers. On the contrary, if all Americans attended church weekly, we would need far fewer prisons; and the ones we needed would have very few murderers in them.
Meanwhile the record of the godless and non-Christianity crowd is awful. I am not simply referring to the godless and secular Communist regimes of the 20th century that committed virtually every genocide of those hundred years. I am referring to those Americans (and Europeans) who use reason to argue, among other foolish things: that good and evil are subjective societal or individual opinions; that gender is purely a social construct and therefore the male and female distinction is of no importance; that marriage isn’t important and is just a piece of paper invented by the religious to keep women down; that a human fetus, even when it has a beating heart, a formed human body, and a conscious brain, has less of a right to life than a cat; and that men, let alone fathers, aren’t necessary […]
For proof of the moral and intellectual consequences of the secularization of America, look at what has happened to the least religious institution in America, the university. Is that the future we want for the whole country?


The Progressive Pied Piper in the White House and his merry band of malcontents have almost succeeded in knocking down America’s lynchpin; our belief in a Creator (a God who will ultimately judge each and every one of us). The only way to slow or reverse the country’s downward spiral is put that anchor back in place, firmly re-establishing our Judeo-Christian foundation.



It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

~ John Adams ~

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