Saturday Shorts 7-19-14


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Single Mom of 2, Working Two Jobs Faces Prison for being Honest ~ Not realizing that her Pennsylvania permit wasn’t valid in New Jersey, Shaneen Allen told the truth about having a firearm in her possession. Uh-oh. In this brave new world of gun grabbers and upside-down justice, it seems dishonesty may now be the best policy.

[Hat-tip: Bobo]

Even though, in reality, guns in the hands of responsible citizens actually help deter crime ~
Detroit Police Chief says private gun ownership is lowering crime rates ~ In Detroit, no less!
Opposing Assisted Suicide: Remembering When My Terminally Ill Mom Told Me “We’ll Get Through It” ~ Testifying against assisted suicide legislation in Britain, a son offers this moving account of his journey through his mother’s last days, highlighting the unique and irreplaceable value of each individual ~

But amidst the difficulties we all built our motivation on one solid belief, that life was something precious, something to be celebrated, cherished and affirmed […]
The life of a physically sick person is worth as much as a physically healthy person. Importantly, the person in question gains happiness from experiencing that truth.

Our post-Christian self-centered society has lost sight of what’s truly important…
I Miss Our Missing Down Syndrome Friends ~ This is just SO sad. Almost 90% of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the womb are aborted these days.
Ignoring the sense of dignity inherent in each and every precious life – from beginning to natural end – we’re losing our humanity.

Playing Whack A Mole With The Scamsters ~ Debunking the latest coordinated propaganda efforts by the climatists ~

One thing you can say for the climate scamsters, is that they are well organized. It is impressive watching them trying to keep the scam alive on a planet which isn’t cooperating.

When the facts won’t cooperate, just make up the facts.

CBS Airs Feminist’s Anti-Christian Song: “I Wish The Virgin Would’ve Had An Abortion” ~ We can see the world becoming a darker place almost daily, but does CBS really feel a need to advance that evil?

Transgender Woman Battles Against Hobby Lobby Over Bathroom Use ~ The progressive anti-Christian forces refuse to abandon their relentless crusade for moral relativity against Hobby Lobby until the retail chain either conforms or goes out of business. (Imagine if being a force for destruction were your sole purpose in life :( )


Egyptian Offical: Hamas to Blame for Gaza Destruction ~ Gaza’s neighbor to the southwest clearly understands the reality of living next to terrorists ~

Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Arabi said Hamas was “shedding the blood of innocent Palestinians” by attacking Israel […]
“Hamas does not want Egypt to fulfill its obligations as a negotiator between the two sides,” Al-Arabi said. “They do this at the cost of the blood of innocent Palestinians” who are caught up in the Israeli response to the rocket attacks.

Mark Levin: Obama Is Sick; “There’s Something Out Of Kilter, There’s A Screw Loose” ~ Levin was great Thursday night (after the Malaysian airliner was shot down over Ukraine). One of the few cogent voices of truth out there anymore ~

You know what ladies and gentlemen? Let me be the first to say it and I’ll take whatever slings and arrows I get. This is a very sick man this Obama. There’s something out of kilter, there’s a screw loose. Something’s not right if you’re president of the United States and something like this happens.


Flashback: Reagan Addresses Soviet Attack on Korean Airliner (audio) ~ Remember what an American president used to sound like? Contrast this confident, unequivocal, conviction with Obama’s lackadaisical response to the downing of the Malaysian Air flight. Pathetic.

Loss of Sovereignty Disguised as Compassion ~ And social engineering posing as altruism. Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh asks some pointed questions about real compassion, exposing progressives lefties for the charlatans they are. For example ~

• Is it tolerant and merciful to release MS-13 gang members, rapists, murderers and drug dealers among our U.S. population while denying entry to white, healthy, and educated Europeans?
• Is it compassionate to allow disease, crime (human trafficking, drug smuggling, gangs, murder, property theft and destruction), and Islamic terrorists enter our country unchecked?
• Is it kind to steal from one group of people and give to the invading hordes from foreign countries who are not really fleeing a war zone?

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