Barack Obama = the greatest threat to U.S. Security

Last month John Bolton, former ambassador to the U.N., spoke to a Freedom Center gathering in Texas. His talk, titled ‘The Biggest Threat to National Security Is in the White House,’ is well worth half an hour + of your time (there’s also a full transcript HERE at FrontPage Mag).
As you listen, keep in mind this was before
• the administration released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens
• Iraq erupted in jihad (it’s been melting down since we left)
• our southern border was intentionally flooded with illegal minors to garner sympathy for amnesty


Through Obama’s vacillating, irresponsible – at times completely irrational – foreign policy, our enemies around the globe have been dramatically emboldened.
In Ukraine ~ Putin uses military force to change international boundaries on the continent of Europe –and the west does… nothing!
In Benghazi ~ Our embassy is under attack, the administration yawns, and lies about the motivation. No one is ever brought to account for the deaths of four U.S. citizens. Message our allies receive: how can you trust the word of Americans when they won’t even defend their own people?
Message the terrorists receive: you can do anything you want to Americans without fear of retaliation.
In China ~

In fact, China’s modernizing its army, it’s building up its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons capabilities. It’s creating a blue-water navy for the first time in 600 years. It has one of the world’s — certainly the most aggressive and one of the most sophisticated programs in cyber warfare. It has developed anti-satellite weapons to blind our capabilities to surveil China from space. It has extensive development of what are called anti-access area denial weapon capabilities to push the US Navy back from the Western shores of the Pacific, where we’ve been dominant since World War II. And all the while, it is making territorial claims in the East and South China Sea that make what the Russians are doing in Ukraine look timid.


Obama and his progressive pals pretend that the world will become a kinder, gentler place if the U.S. abdicates its role as the sole super-power. The truth is just the opposite.
To paraphrase John Bolton; it’s not American strength that’s provocative – it’s American weakness that’s provocative.

5 Times Obama Abandoned US Allies

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2 Responses to Barack Obama = the greatest threat to U.S. Security

  1. Pingback: BizzarO’bama recklessly ignores Iranian threat | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Obama’s Iraq Legacy | Designs on the Truth

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