Saturday Shorts – 6-7-14


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: ‘There is a Satan Out There, an Evil One’ ~ Robertson was speaking with Sean Hannity last week ~

“…if anyone that looks at our culture doesn’t believe it, I would simply say, what, are you blind? It’s pretty rough out there.”

For anyone who doubts the devil’s existence, how do you account for the pervasive evil in our society so obviously present in a horror story like this ~ Two 12-year-old girls allegedly stab friend 19 times because of creepy Internet meme?!
5 Indications that Bowe Bergdahl Is a Traitor ~ from Robert Spencer – who knows his stuff when it comes to Muslim radicals. (After reading this, you surely have to wonder why Bergdahl enlisted in the first place. Was defecting his intention all along?)
Unfortunately, even though the evidence for treason is practically irrefutable…

To investigate, much less to try Bowe Bergdahl, despite the fact that evidence of his misconduct continues to mount, would require an honest president, a robust opposition party, and a media determined to uncover the truth. Strike one, strike two, strike three.

Bergdahl: They Don’t Care About the Law, Get Over It ~

The Bergdahl swap should illustrate to anyone who wasn’t paying attention that law no longer matters to this crowd. As long as you have enough leftist Ivy League lawyers at the DOJ to dream up new excuses and to rebrand lawlessness as legal, Obama has all the offensive weapons he needs to fundamentally transform America.


But since pointing out the obvious isn’t working, it’s time for a new strategy. J. Christian Adams advocates pressuring Congress to de-fund the lawlessness.

The Crisis of Fake Global Warming ~ Entertaining new video from Andrew Klavan mocking the computer-modeled climate crisis that’s threatening to destroy life as we know it. 😀
Baker Who Refused to Make Wedding Cake for Same-Sex Couple Willing to Go to Jail for His Beliefs ~ These activist judges are of of control! As this man’s attorney explained his client’s situation ~

“The state of Colorado has no business forcing Jack to abandon his religious beliefs, his First Amendment beliefs, so that … the government-approved message will be carried forward. It’s truly frightening. It’s Orwellian. And it’s against everything America stands for.”

Virgina Small Family Farm Promotes Historical Agricultural Practices ~ Interesting look at a family farm using innovative methods borrowed from the past; organic gardening, pasture-raised poultry and pork, diversity, and eating “seasonally.”

D-Day: June 6th 1944 as it happened ~ Really cool timeline from the UK Telegraph. They posted updates in real time yesterday every 30 minutes or so to coincide with real-time events as they were unfolding seventy years ago (Start at the end and work your way backwards.) The last entry ~

23.59 By the end of D-Day, 159,000 Allied troops, marines, airmen and naval personnel ashore have successfully established four sizeable beachheads. The invasion front remains vulnerable to German counter-attack, and there will be terrible fighting ahead, but a crucial step has been taken towards liberating Europe.

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