Burnt Offerings for Gaia?!

In light of the recent UN proclamation that extreme weather conditions are “human-induced,” Bob Greene at Junk Science rhetorically wonders how far humankind has really progressed ~

Heat waves in Australia, Typhoon Haiyan, Typhoon Fitow, a drought in China were all caused by humans says the UN. I suppose weather is not climate unless you need it to make your point.
So, if we controlled CO2 we wouldn’t have typhoons and droughts? Or do we also need to do something in addition to expiate our sins? When I listen to some wise men I wonder how far we’ve really progressed from ritual sacrifices…


Coincidentially, as if in answer to Greene’s queries, comes this horrific story from Great Britain – by way of the Twilight Zone ~
Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals!

The remains of more than 15,000 babies were incinerated as ‘clinical waste’ by hospitals in Britain with some used in ‘waste to energy’ plants […]
Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat.

Thank the Lord, some ethical sanity prevailed ~

Last night (3-23-14) the Department of Health issued an instant ban on the practice which health minister Dr Dan Poulter branded ‘totally unacceptable.’

Most early civilizations believed that they were at the mercy of the gods when it came to changes in the weather. It order to avoid various disasters; typhoons, droughts, earthquakes, flooding, volcanoes, etc., it was vital to appease the appropriate deity(s).
gaia-smlrThousands of years later, many in the green crowd, embrace Gaia (mother earth) as their new goddess. The tenets of this neo-pagan religion mandate that we carbon-based units atone for our “excessive” CO2 emissions. To comply we must all – just for starters – eliminate coal as a fuel source, erect bird-chopping wind turbines, drive electric cars, redistribute all our wealth on a global basis and go vegan.
But dear God, have the enviro-wackos actually regressed to the point where they’re offering up ritual sacrifices?!

Aborted and Miscarried Babies Used to Heat Hospitals in UK ~

Our abortion culture is responsible for this. The hospitals were only doing what was morally logical. If unborn babies are not human beings, then why all the moral fuss about burning them to heat hospitals?

After hearing about this story, I wasn’t the only one who immediately recalled that dystopian, futuristic movie from the seventies, “Soylent Green.” Susan D. Harris at the American Thinker was thinking along the same Orwellian lines: Soylent Green Really Is People

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2 Responses to Burnt Offerings for Gaia?!

  1. Pingback: Phony climate-warming threats mask the real crisis: demographic winter | Designs on the Truth

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