Dear Mr. President…

Frank Beckman, a talk show host on WJR-AM (760) – Detroit, is obviously as fed up with the deceitful tyrant in the White House as I – and many of you – are. The following editorial was published in the Detroit News on February 14th
(Emphasis mine) ~

Dear Mr. President: America never needed to be transformed
Our founding fathers were brilliant men who crafted a system of government that led to the greatest demonstration of collective freedom and economic growth in world history.
eagleonConstThe Constitution on which our republic was built has stood the test of time for nearly 250 years, and has insulated the United States from the sort of tyranny witnessed by power hungry rulers throughout history.
Until now.
In five short years, under the direction of one man, President Barack Obama, the work of our founders and very basis of our free nation run by a government with three equal layers of power is threatened with dismantling by a president, who promised just before his first election, that he was going to “fundamentally transform” America. Give Obama this — he’s a man of his word. When the founders established our nation, they envisioned a country run by the rule of law, based on a Constitution which separated federal power into the three branches of our government, executive, legislative and judicial. A system of checks and balances was established so that no one element of the federal government could gain unfettered autonomy. They explained their ideas while trying to convince the American public about the wisdom of the new Constitution in a series of newspaper editorials known as the Federalist Papers.
The so-called Father of the Constitution, James Madison, emphasized the importance of the separation of powers in Federalist No. 47 when he wrote, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
The current president’s continued actions to change the congressionally adopted legislation known as Obama-care could not more aptly fall under Madison’s warning.
barack-burning-smlstObama has changed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) according to his own caprice no less than 10 times and this week added the threat of criminal prosecution for some of those who would dare to exercise their First Amendment rights and point out its negative impact.
No tyrant can eventually gain total control without threats, and throughout history those threats have been represented by the barrel of a gun.
With the latest Obamacare implementation delay, the self interest of some companies may be best served by reducing payroll to fewer than 100 employees.
But these medium-sized employers have now been warned that if they seek to fall under that threshold to avoid the costly requirements of the ACA, as are now required — under threat of the felonious crime of perjury, which carries a jail term — to certify to the IRS that Obamacare was not a motivating factor in staffing decisions.
Aside from the obvious political conclusion that the administration does not want to be blamed for job losses in an election year and that Obamacare is a drag on jobs and the economy, this clear threat carries even greater implications.
This is how tyranny works, as exemplified by numerous authoritarians of the 20th century, from Joseph Stalin to Adolf Hitler to Saddam Hussein: Threaten your political opponents into submission under the fear of being jailed, all for the purpose of expanding power and maintaining political strength.
The president’s actions should frighten us all.
Frank Beckman

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