Shut Up and Sing. Please.

What is it that makes celebrities think they need to share their vast wisdom with us lowly rubes? Raking in huge amounts of money from entertaining the masses suddenly makes them sages? Merely breathing in the rarefied air of Hollywood infuses them with all the secrets of the universe, which they feel duty-bound to impart to the rest of us?

Most celebrity prattle would actually be pretty amusing if it weren’t taken as gospel by so many of their adoring fans. Laura Ingraham, in her 2003 book “Shut Up & Sing”, detailed the corrosive effect that their blathering has on our values, morality and society as a whole.
Here, for instance, is Jillian Michaels (Who? Who knows? I guess she’s been on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” for 11 seasons. Somebody must have been watching.):

“Always follow your gut and what’s in your heart…” “The worst advice I ever got was to be diplomatic, because it compromised my authentic truth.”

Your authentic truth? Your authentic truth?
I know it sounds all hip and self-actualizing, but Jillian honey, our prisons are full of people who have lived this philosophy. Their “authentic truth” enabled them to justify whatever crime(s) they were committing. They were just following their gut.
And then we have the always sagacious “Prince”:

“It’s fun being in Islamic countries, to know there’s only one religion,” Prince told the British newspaper. “There’s order. You wear a burqa. There’s no choice. People are happy with that.”

Thank-you Mr. Prince… and now, back to reality.
It makes me sad that so many celebrities are un-moored from the Truth. But it makes me angry that they’re able to use their positions of influence to drag millions of unsuspecting fans out to sea with them.

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