Saturday Shorts – 8-3-13

Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

The Problem with Sexual Compatibility ~ The sixties’ Sexual Revolution convinced most of us that “sex” was the ultimate good. (No wonder all 70 year-olds think they need to be on Viagra!) And that marriage was nothing without sexual compatibility. How’s that approach worked out?
This article at the Gospel Coalition, explains that God has something better in mind for male/female committed relationships. Interesting concept to ponder…
The Pervert Party ~ As if we needed Anthony Weiner’s antics to remind us how sex-obsessed our society has become. And,

(by) routinely excoriating Republicans as horribly repressive anti-sex zealots, Democrats have managed to convince a lot of Americans that there is no real danger to our society from creeps and perverts and rampant promiscuity. No, say the Democrats, the real danger is that those reactionary Republican bigots might “turn back the clock” and deprive America of such glorious pleasures as abortion, sex education, pornography and casual hook-ups arranged on the Internet.

Wind turbines: blights on the American landscape ~
Taxpayer dollars are helping prop up the unsightly behemoths yet, (a)fter two decades of huge subsidies for wind energy, nowhere in the world has an array of wind turbines replaced a single conventional power plant.
The Detroit Template ~ Mock Motown if you must, but the rest of the country isn’t far behind ~

… every level of government has promised too much and is now faced with the politically unappealing prospect of either drastically increasing taxes for the working age population or significantly reducing benefits for the retired (or future retired). As evidenced by the Detroit bankruptcy, the longer we wait, the worse it will get. The greater the delay, the more pain and suffering citizens will face when the benefits and safety nets they have come to expect from the government suddenly disappear.

Why is American racism impossible to defeat? ~ Like other unsavory pursuits, there’s too much money to be made in race-hustling ~

The truth — the cold hard truth — is that this cadre of voices (Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, Obama, et al.) benefit far more by practicing racism in theory, rhetoric, and actions, than by ever seeking honest resolutions. They continue to be propped up by those who keep themselves intellectually shallow of fact. And a handful of media outlets — mostly operated by NBC — seem to pander on the issue instead of seeking intellectually rigorous, heartfelt, passionate solutions to the problems that face the nation.

And then we get this: Nice Work, Barack… Zimmerman Family Receives Over 400 Death Threats a Minute ~ Thanks to the Race-Baiter-in-Chief, George and his family will probably have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives. What kind of neo-barbarians have we become?

In a related article ~ Stop blaming racism for your own bad behavior! Isn’t it high time to honor Martin Luther King’s dream and start judging by the content of character? Or would that be “racist!?”

Zimbabwe Holds Unfree and Unfair Elections ~ Sadly the people of this African nation are still stuck with a despotic ruler, and the culture of despair that he’s created.
Now that our illustrious leaders are home from D.C. for the summer recess, it’s time to let them know what we think of their job performance 😡 (and remind them that they work for us – not vice versa!). Here’s a helpful resource: TeaParty Toolkit

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