Iranian “Justice”

Having just imprisoned eight Christians for threatening ‘National Security,’ on Friday Iran decided to lecture Americans for “systematic discrimination against racial, religious, and ethnic minorities in the US society.” 😯
As I mentioned yesterday, Iran’s foreign ministry, apparently viewing the world through the same warped lens as the likes of Al Sharpton, Barack Obama and Beyonce, felt compelled to weigh in on the George Zimmerman trial; Iran’s Mullahs Demand Justice for Trayvon ~

Iranian officials said that Zimmerman’s trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin should have been conducted in a more “accurate and fair” manner.
“Several months on since a probe was launched [into the murder], the public opinion in the U.S. and across the world expect transparency, an accurate and fair judicial investigation into the case, with due regard to human rights principles for American citizens and a ban on discrimination against minorities in the country,” Araqchi (Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman) said.

This from the country that ranks number 8 on Open Doors World Watch List (based on severity of religious persecution).
Yes, in Iran, the very concept of “justice” is a bit ethereal. Especially if you happen to be a Christian convert in that country ~

July 19, 2013 ~ ISTANBUL (Morning Star News) – Eight Iranian Christians received heavy jail sentences on Tuesday (July 16) after being found guilty of “action against the national security” and “propaganda against the system” – charges typically leveled against Muslim converts to Christianity in Iran.

So, in a classic case of projection, Iran accuses the U.S. of “systematic discrimination,” when in fact they’ve elevated the practice to an art form. As World Watch Monitor reported in May; Iranian Christians face ‘systematic persecution and prosecution’ ~

Reports from the UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and New York-based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) cite evidence of “systematic persecution and prosecution” of Protestants and Christian converts, as part of a widespread violation of international laws. […]
The UN’s Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, noted in September 2012 that more than 300 Christians have been arrested and detained since 2010, while at least 41 were detained for periods ranging from one month to over a year, sometimes without official charges.[…]
“Sometimes the phrase ‘systematic persecution’ is used so loosely that it sounds like a cliché. However, in the case of Iran’s persecution of Christians, it fits the criteria,” Mansour Borj, (advocacy officer for human rights initiative Article18) told World Watch Monitor.
“Arbitrary arrests and imprisonment, severe restrictions on worship services in Farsi language, a ban on the publication of Bibles and Christian literature in Farsi, threats and harassment of evangelical church leaders, and continued attempts to confiscate church properties – these are all pieces in the puzzle.
“In a nutshell, there is a systematic attempt to deprive churches of membership, literature, leadership training and development, communion with other Christians around the world, and the right to freedom of religion guaranteed by the international covenants that Iran is a signatory of.”


Don’t hold you breath waiting for Barack “Trayvon” Obama to call Iran out on the hypocrisy. Having totally eliminated the religious freedom section from their annual Country Reports on Human Rights, his State Department refuses to even acknowledge that abuses exist ~

Thus, the reports do not provide in-depth coverage of what has happened to Christians and other religious minorities in predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East that saw the rise of revolutionary movements in 2011 in which Islamist forces played an instrumental role.

Source: CNS News 6-7-2012


And relentless persecutions of “apostates” go totally ignored by the White House and their lackeys in the main stream media.
Justice for who?
On a (much!) lighter note ~

Can always rely on the Peoples’ Cube for inspired satire on the latest events 😀

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