Amnesty by any other name…

Pick any word in the dictionary, there’s no escaping the fact that the Gang of Eight’s bill is: a general pardon for offenders by a government. Call it a rose, a compromise, or a kumquat – it’s still “amnesty.”
As Katherine Rosario at Heritage-in-Action-for-America explains, the proposed bill would create a new name for illegal immigrants, a designation they can “purchase” for a mere $500: “registered provisional immigrant” (RPI).

Having to pay $500 to remain here legally for 6 years – which calculates to $7 per month – is not a real penalty. So, “Not only will illegal immigrants have their slates wiped clean, they will receive a near-immediate benefit as a result of their illegal status.”
To be clear, their slates are being wiped clean. It doesn’t get clearer than going from “illegal” to “legal.”


Now I’m sure you’re wondering, as am I, what about those who’ve been playing by the rules and pursuing a legal path to citizenship?

If the Gang of Eight’s bill becomes law, individuals who complied with the law – left the country when their visa expired, are still waiting in line, etc – will not be eligible for RPI status. Only those in the country illegally will be eligible to apply for a status that allows them to, almost immediately, live and work in the country.


The Left – and their RINO cohorts – are so adept at misappropriating terminology they’re doing away with the offensive “illegal immigrant” altogether simply by removing the “illegal” part.
Ah yes, “the old “lowering the crime rate by legalizing the crime” approach,” as Doug Powers quipped. [Chuck Schumer on ‘Gang of 8′ bill: ‘Illegal immigration will be a thing of the past’]

Welcome to America where we now punish those who follow the law and reward the law-breakers. Who would even want to immigrate here anymore but criminals – and free-loaders?



Call it what you will, if this Gang of Eight bill is jammed through it will be the final nail of the coffin of our Constitutional Republic…


Video via Mediaite ~

Speaking with WorldNetDaily, Bachmann warned that while her beliefs “may sound melodramatic,” she insists the dire consequences of immigration reform would be “that big and that important” to warrant sounding the alarms.



By the way, don’t be fooled by the deceitful Americans for a Conservative Direction. They’ve been running deceptive adverts pretending that the Gang of Eight legislation is a conservative solution to the illegal problems – they’re total shysters.
Immigration Reform $$ = Unaffordable ~ $6.3 trillion

Shamnesty 2013 – B.O.H.I.C.A. ~ Bend over – here it comes again

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