Pretending Reality Isn’t

Ran across an interesting post at “The Week,” a Leftie site (i.e., the “War on Women” is still raging, Kanye West is “wise,” and the Redskins are “offensive”), titled “Why conservatives can’t whitewater Obama.” Because I find it’s always helpful to understand your adversaries I forced myself to slog through it.
Right off the bat I noticed that the article’s subtitle – “The Republican Noise Machine is falling on deaf ears” – should have been: “the Left has given up their tenuous hold on reality and is permanently residing in an alternative universe.”
The author, one Bill Scher, gleefully proclaims victory over what he considers to be Republican smears ~

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens (Who were they?) seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff.
Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream “Benghazi,” “Solyndra,” “Fast and Furious” …President Obama glides past.

(Defiantly flying his middle finger)

Scher smugly goes on to list the reasons why none of the “minor flaps” (like dead Americans I guess) have had any adverse effect on Obama’s approval ratings:
1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back 😯

Yeah, lie, deny and lie some more.

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times 😯

Let’s see: dead bodies, trampling 1st Amendment rights, intimidating political opponents… Nothing to see here. Move along.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business 😯

Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.
Don’t know who those people are? That’s because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

No Bill. That’s because they were the designated fall guys. Dupes that the O’Ministration could point to and pretend they actually addressed the issues.



Ultimately, what I learned from Scher’s article was; if you’d like join the Left in their reality-free universe you have to believe, at the very least ~

• It’s OK to waste tax-payer dollars on unproven green energy
• It’s OK for the federal government to intimidate American citizens purely for political reasons
• It’s OK to run guns into Mexico – ostensibly to bring down gun cartels – leading to the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and at least one U.S. border agent.
• It’s OK to let Americans die to cover up more gun-running
In short, to be a Leftist you must jettison any concepts of good and evil, right and wrong… Move beyond principles, ethics and the rule of law…
And focus only on the one prime objective: political expediency.


Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.
~ Philip K. Dick, science fiction writer ~


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