Team Obama Issues Drone Alert

“Urgent! *** Take action immediately! ***
Save the Planet from your Crazy Uncle Harry!”

OK – that’s not really the title of the recent email issued by Obama’s “Organizing for Action” group, but it may as well have been. Paul Bedard, who writes a column at the Washington Examiner called “Washington Secrets,” shared the following memo to the minions sent out earlier this month from Jim Messina, the president’s re-election campaign manager ~


Friend ?–
Take a look at these statements on climate change — give ’em a good read through and see what you think:
“Global warming has become a religion for many back here in Washington. To this crowd, there are no greater or more urgent problems anywhere. They worship at the alter [sic] of carbon generation and reduction.” [Gaia & Green Religion]
“Nobody really knows the cause … the earth cools, the earth warms … It could be caused by carbon dioxide or methane. Maybe we should kill the cows to stop the methane, or stop breathing to stop the CO2 … Thousands of people die every year of cold, so if we had global warming it would save lives … We ought to look out for people. The earth can take care of itself.” [Anti-Human Mindset Of Environmentalists]
“I’m also old enough to remember when the same left-wing part of our society was creating a global cooling scare in order to generate funds for their pet projects. So 30-some years ago the big scare was global cooling, and once they drained that [topic], they shifted to global warming.” [1970′s Global Cooling Compilation]
“[Scientists] are making up their facts to fit their conclusions. They’ve already caught them doing this.” [East Anglia & Climategate] [Medieval warming and the Hockey Stick Myth]
Sounds like things your crazy uncle would say at Thanksgiving dinner, right?
You’d be wrong. These are all statements made by current elected officials in Congress, folks whose votes have the power to make an actual difference on this issue. These climate deniers need to be called out — and you’re the only ones who can do it.
Add your name to join the team that’s going to hold these deniers accountable.
OFA will be out there making sure that the people saying these things are called out — and the people who sidestep the facts are forced to step up and say what they actually believe is going on with our climate.
Look, our crazy uncles aren’t the problem. But these members of Congress are using these far-fetched conspiracy theories as an excuse for not taking action on an issue that affects our environment, our economy, and yes, the planet our children and grandchildren inherit.
Climate change is real, and we’re not going to get anywhere on the issue until these guys admit that.
If you and I don’t say anything, nothing will change in Washington.
Help climate deniers in Congress see the light and take a step toward progress. Say you’ll help hold them accountable:
Jim Messina, Chair – Organizing for Action

Stunning isn’t it?
No attempt to use facts, logic or scientific reasoning. They’re counting on the fact that their drones have been sufficiently programmed so as not to question directives. Or think for themselves.
The truth is – “Crazy Uncle’s” statements are mostly accurate – and demonstrably so, if the drones actually cared to educate themselves.
But they don’t. And OFA is obviously just another insidious propaganda arm for the administration.
Chilling really. Especially when you consider that German authorities seem to be practicing the same brand of thought control (again?!). Last week that country’s version of the EPA issued an alarmist pamphlet ~
The publication attacks prominent global climate change skeptics, assuming the entire debate is over.

“Climate deniers” are “spreaders of half-truths and misinformation.”

[Sounds like Jim Messina huh?]


German law professor, Thorsten Koch is leery of the state’s authoritative position ~

Strange however that a government office is attempting to bindingly specify the state of knowledge in a scientific question. That is the job of a scientist. Even more it is neither scientifically or legally appropriate if scientific truths – and thus ultimately only the current state of the error – are announced with official authority.
Deciding scientific controversies is no duty of the state.


Repeating the same lie over and over, while at the same time demonizing the opposition is a time-honored Leftist tradition. (After all, homosexuals are born that way, life begins whenever the progressives say it begins and DDT will destroy the planet.)
After a while the drones just nod… and follow directives.
Sounds like Germany in the 1930’s…
Just sayin.

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