Forget Muslim Terrorists – Let’s Deport Homeschoolers

Suspicious young men on student visas from predominately Muslim countries… ? No problem. Instead, the Obama administration is focused like a laser on the real threat to our national security: Homeschooling German Christians ~

~ the Romeike Family ~
Don’t let those smiles fool you. Apparently, behind those innocent-
looking faces lurk potential terrorists tea party members.

That’s right. The UK Daily Mail reported on the Romeikes’ story last month: Home-schooling family who fled to U.S. from Germany face deportation: Parents face charges and $9,000 fine for taking kids out school as Obama officials prepare to send them back.

Some history ~

The German government prevented Uwe and Hannelore Romeike from teaching their five children at home instead of sending them to government-run schools, fining them and threatening to prosecute them if they (didn’t) obey.
When they took their three oldest children out of school in 2006, police showed up at their house within 24 hours, only leaving after a group of supporters showed up and organized a quick protest.
But their legal troubles were just beginning. Germany began fining the family, ultimately racking up a bill of more than 7,000 Euros ($9,000).
After they fled to the United States in 2010, the Romeike family found a home in Tennessee.


When they arrived here, a U.S. court granted political asylum to the family on the basis of religious persecution in Germany. But then, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) decided to appeal the asylum decision in 2012. Why?
Unbelievably, the Obama administration hasn’t provided any real justification for their action. Although, according to Attorney General Holder; banning homeschooling wouldn’t violate fundamental liberties.
Oh really?
As the Daily Mail reports ~

Germany made school attendance mandatory in 1918. During the Nazi era, that law was made even more restrictive to ensure that young Germans were indoctrinated with Adolph Hitler’s national socialist ideology.
The German Supreme Court has ruled that it wants to ‘counteract the development of religious and philosophically motivated parallel societies,’ Michael Farris (founding chairman Home School Legal Defense Association) explained. ‘And that’s a direct quote.’
‘We want to give them a safe harbor. That’s what asylum is for.’

Hey isn’t that what the first Europeans came to America for; freedom from religious persecution? Guess that was a long time ago…
Fast-forward to the enlightened 21st century, where it seems Obama & Co. don’t believe parents have a fundamental right to educate their own children. Four hundred years after the pilgrims arrived, the ruling class gets to decide what worldview will be imposed on the peasants.


Here’s a short video produced by the HSLDA who sued the US Department of Justice on behalf of the family ~



Michelle Malkin has a great piece posted today that ties in nicely with this story ~ America’s Insane Asylum for Jihadists, Hustlers and Frauds. As she reports, asylum and refugee claimants are being rubber-stamped at all-time-high rates.
Except for people like the Romeike’s!
Who are the sort of families the Obama Administration grants asylum to these days? Well, those like the Boston Marathon bombers’ ~

Though they had convinced the U.S. that they faced deadly persecution, the Tsarnaevs’ parents both returned to their native land and were there when their sons launched last week’s terror rampage. Authorities will not reveal any details of the sob stories the Tsarnaevs originally spun to win asylum benefits for the entire family.

What an appalling double standard!


The Daily Mail article concludes with this assessment of the Romeike’s case from HSLDA’s Farris ~

He believes there are likely only three possibilities that would explain why the Obama administration is working so hard to deport the Romeike family.
‘It could be that the government is just anti-homeschooling, or anti-religious-freedom,’ Farris said. ‘Or perhaps they have some deal with the German government.’
‘I don’t know which it is, but none of the options is pretty.’


“I really wonder what would’ve happened to the Pilgrims under this administration.”
~ Michael Farris, HSLDA’s founding chairman ~


Please go HERE to sign a petition in support of the Romeike’s.

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