Bill Whittle Explains What We SHOULD be Doing on Immigration

Mr. Virtual President, what would you do about securing our border and immigration?
Cutting through the word games, B.S. and outright lies of the Left, Whittle plainly and effectively states the conservative position on immigration, both the legal and illegal varieties:


Why do our overlords in Washington ignore the truth on this issue?
Why do illegals suddenly seem to have more rights than legals?
Why don’t we the law-abiding, taxpaying people have a say??
Instead we get back-room deals between labor and big business?! Who voted for them?
This government is beyond broken.

Up-date: 4-2-13 11:00am ~

I forgot, we do have a small ray of hope on this issue, in the person of Sen.Ted Cruz. HERE’s an audio of him talking to Sean Hannity yesterday (They discuss immigration from about the 6 min. mark to the 14 min mark.) ~
• Secure the border
• Reform the immigration process.
• Make the system fair to legal immigrants.
Most importantly, Cruz understands Obama’s “political football” game; that he doesn’t want consensus or an equitable solution. But then that’s exactly why I’m pretty sure we the people are gonna get shafted again.

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