Deconstructing Marriage

It’s not about fairness. It’s not about equality. It’s not even about love. No, the manic push for “same-sex marriage” has a much darker aim…

The homosexual activists are intelligent enough (and frankly, devious enough) to know what will happen when they get what they’re demanding. When the institution of marriage is no longer defined as “one man & one woman” then anything and everything goes.
As Matt Barber at Life Site News puts it ~

Once the government pretends that some vague combination of “love” and “consent” are all that a “marriage” requires, then other “arbitrary” and “discriminatory” parameters beyond a binary male-female prerequisite must also go poof.
That is to say, if the Court magically divines some constitutional right to “same-sex marriage,” then full “marriage equality” necessarily demands that polygamous, incestuous and any other equally aberrant nuptial cocktail be likewise permitted.

The radical gay lobby knows all that. In fact, “all that” is actually their real goal.

J. Richard Pearcey at The Pearcey Report talks about the activists’ deceit and their real “endgame” in “The Revolt of Intelligence Against ‘Marriage Equality'” ~

Because the “equality” of “marriage equality” functions as a code word for relativism, the impact of the movement for homosexual “marriage” as a civil right is the opposite of what it is portrayed to be. The endgame is not to make marriage equally available to all, but to make it equally unavailable to all.
Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia, last summer. “It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,” she said. “But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.”
This admission “causes my brain some trouble,” Gessen says, “and part of why it causes me trouble is that fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie…”

… “Marriage equality” becomes “marriage elasticity,” with the ultimate goal of “marriage extinction.”

Here’s the bottom line, from Barber; Homosexual activists don’t want the white picket fence. They want to burn down the white picket fence. The endgame is not to achieve so-called “marriage equality,” but, rather, to render marriage reality meaningless.



The Revolt of Intelligence Against “Marriage Equality” J.Richard Pearcey at the Pearcey Report

Deconstructing Families & Motherhood ~ The radicals hate traditional families too.

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  1. Pingback: SSM Activists’ End Game: Eliminate the Institution Altogether | Designs on the Truth

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