Saturday Shorts – 3-9-13

Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Ex-Embassy Security Officer In Libya: “The Taliban Is On The Inside Of The Building ~ Short video clip of Benghazi survivors testifying before the House Government Oversight Committee back in October. “Fighting against the people who are supposed to be supporting (them)” ?!! Where has this been buried?
Basketball star Dennis Rodman: Kim Jong-un is ‘awesome’ ~ Rodman’s a poster child for the Useless Idiots Club; “his country LOVES him.” 😯 And if his subjects don’t display quite enough of that love? Well… North Korean army minister ‘executed with mortar round.’
After the Rand Paul filibuster, Joel B. Pollak at Breitbart asks, “Will the Left Finally Get the Tea Party Now?” ~

At its core, the Tea Party is about American values, not Republican politics. It exists not to obstruct the Democrats but to restore the Constitution.

Damning Jobs’ Context Ignored by ObamaMedia ~ The truth behind this weeks’ rosy-sounding unemployment numbers. And it’s not getting better any time soon ~
FED SURVEY: Businesses Say They’re Hiring Less And Laying Off Workers Because Of Obamacare. And of course, Welfare And Food Stamps Really Do Discourage Work.

No one has the power to redefine marriage ~ Just a reminder for those of us who still call ourselves Christians.

“A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King
“An unjust law is no law at all.” ~ St. Augustine
So what are we to do about it? First of all, don’t be intimidated. Don’t automatically accept that every law passed is a just law. Understand well that our inalienable rights come from our Creator, not our government, and if a law violates any of those rights, it may be legal, but it cannot be just. Stand up for what you know to be true. Stand alone if necessary. In the words of Pope John Paul II, “Be Not Afraid.”

Bikers Transform Run-Down Bar Into New Church Home ~ Encouraging story out of Virginia ~ They call the Bible their “Owner’s Manual for life” and they ride for Christ’s sake on the open road.


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