Obamacare: Hazardous to the Health of Marriage

The Affordable Care Act – aka – Obamacare, will forever be dogged by Nancy Pelosi’s infamous comment: “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” So true Nan. And naturally, as with all government debacles, the more we find out, the worse it gets.
Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. (author of “Beating Obamacare”) was one of those who already knew what was in the disastrous law and tried to warn the rest of us. And she’s not backing down any time soon;
Wheels coming off ~

The latest news from four federal agencies is that 1) insurance will be a lot less affordable than Americans were led to expect, 2) fewer people than promised will get insurance and 3) millions of people who have coverage through a job now will lose it, thanks to the president’s “reforms.”
Oh, and children are the biggest victims…

Especially among low-income families where healthcare costs are actually making marriage economically unfeasible. This, according to Phil Kerpen at the Daily Caller; Obamacare undermines marriage ~

Obama’s signature legislative achievement creates such a powerful “financial deterrent” to marriage that even one former Obama administration official warns that ObamaCare will increase the divorce rate among lower-income families.
“Consider a couple with children in which one of the parents earns most of the family’s income. If the couple marries, the family would lose thousands of dollars of subsidies that could otherwise be used to pay for health insurance for the children and the lower-income spouse,” (former Obama Treasury Department official David Gamage said in The Wall Street Journal) said last year. “If the couple is already married, divorce may be their only option for obtaining affordable insurance for their children and the lower-income parent.” 😯

Further, as Kerpen points out ~

By accelerating family break-up, Obamacare will also worsen health outcomes. Research has consistently shown that married people have better health, longer lives, and better survival rates for some diseases. Children of intact marriages also have lower infant mortality and better physical and mental health outcomes. There is also a well-documented connection between marital status and child poverty.


But never mind all that – the president really cares. The only message that got through to the low-information voter was this Obama soundbite from the SOTU earlier this month:
“We’ll work to strengthen families by removing the financial deterrents to marriage for low-income couples.”


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